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dear,old friend
I will not allow you to contact me this way ever again and if you do don't consider it Ignoring if i don't I'm not your test subject!I've not breached my decision to walk away not because i want to win over you but because every second I'm with're losing both your feelings and your respect for me so it's pointless to stay in this wrong situation you keep dragging me into.I realize now you barely feel like you did in the beginning and that is the result of what happened ever since the first night.that's not cool,I don't appreciate the fact that not only u chose to replace me and run from me practically destroying what we had instead of communicating with me like an adult.nobody treats me this way that's just the way i was raised.
I'd stand for you and up to you anytime but what's the point of it all? if we can't grow together?
you have somebody who's been -ve about this from the beginning and u keep letting them disrespect me and cause drama in my life and put barriers in our road I've no interest in having them in my life this way.
I stood up for you when i showed you everyone's cards it was stupid but i had no other way at the time 2 people were having their revenge from us in reaction to "emperor's new clothes"their intentions was made clear when i came back to get you out and they tried to ruin your date but I planned an escape 5 days earlier my actions spoke lowder than any words or retweets.they played on your insecurities and desires to ruin your relationship. and put you where you're now a cheater simply reverse the situation that was when u reappeared in my life and have the power in their hands.why not me? cuz i can't be seduced
finding me was a mistake i was simply being me.I don't appreciate what you're doing to me now.I understand your situation completely I've been there for a year but this is for the best of both of us the end of this road is hurt and usage for you know I'm right.
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Regards; Team

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