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RULE FOR TODAY: if both Teams are from the same pool the winner of a coin flip will decide if they are either Team A or Team B.
* In that case, I'ma do both scenarios here and will give a briefly opnion on all possibilities

-- mousesports vs HellRaisers --

Vetoes if Mouz chooses to be Team A:
- Mouz ban overpass, HR ban dust2, Mouz ban cbblestone, HR ban mirage, Mouz ban nuke - cache/train

Vetoes if HR chooses to be Team A:
- HR ban dust2, Mouz ban overpass, HR ban mirage, Mouz ban cbblestone, HR ban cache - train/nuke

If train: HellRaisers beat mouz on train a month ago pretty comfortably and are more consistent and experienced on this map, in the other hand MOUZ
looked pretty good the last time they played it against TYLOO at the major qualifier, think its gonna be a close match but the only way I see mouz
winning here is if NiKo and ChrisJ starts very strong and gain momentum early game, and thats what I think its gonna happen so, Mouz wins.

If nuke: I heard mousesports have been practicing this map to improve their map pool, HellRaisers have a bit more exp offline on this map, but
the problem is that this map is still heavy CT sided, in a bo1 at the major this can definitely go either way, since I predicted nuke as if Mouz were Team B (start ct)
I think they are going to win here aswell.

If cache: Statiscally second best map for mouz in the last 3 months, individually one of the best maps for NiKo and his teammates, in the other hand
Hellraiser lacks experience on it as a team, so if it comes down to cache I really think Mouz is gonna destroy HellRaisers.


-- NaVi vs EnVyUs --

Vetoes if NaVi chooses to be Team A:
- NaVi ban cache, EnVy ban train, NaVi ban dust2, EnVy ban overpass, NaVi ban nuke - mirage/cbblestone

Vetoes if Envy chooses to be Team A:
- EnVy ban train, NaVi ban cache, EnVy ban overpass, NaVi ban nuke, EnVy ban mirage - dust2/cbblestone

If mirage: Envy desperately need to win the coin flip today to be able to get their maps, NaVi did look a bit sloppy on mirage recently
but EnVy just lacks everything on this map, they won against a brazilian team recently but then got destroyed by a chinese mix team, so honestly, this is big RIP envy us

If cbblestone: Imo Envy`s most played/confortable map in a while, they have executions and a super aggressive style on this map, and if they`re hitting their shots
this can be very scary, now when it comes to NaVi, they looked insane on this map yesterday and they would def go into this match with a lot of confidence so
considering their performance yesterday, this game is gonna be super close but I still think NaVi beats envy here.

if dust2: Now this is where NaVi will find problems, I dont like the way NaVi has been playing on it, their methodical style doesnt match with dust2 and they rely on
guardian openings too much, s1mple doesnt perform that good on this map, and in the other hand this is Envy`s home, their loosy style favours this map and aPEX always
steps up huge, so honestly, envy are the favourites here.


-- SK vs FaZe --

Vetoes if SK chooses to be Team A:
- SK ban nuke, FaZe ban cbblestone, SK ban dust2, FaZe ban train, SK ban cache - mirage/overpass

Vetoes if FaZe chooses to be Team A:
- FaZe ban cbblestone, SK ban nuke, FaZe ban train, SK ban dust2, FaZe ban cache - mirage/overpass

If mirage: This is scary as hell, one of the most comfortable maps for FaZe here, they have good chemistry and strats on this map, and now they have
Karrigan who used to be a good caller for Astralis in this map too, in the other hand, SK looked pretty sharp e yesterday and back on form in this map
I just really believe fox will be able to give a couple tips about FaZe`s playbook, this is gonna be SUPER close but SK wins

If overpass: Once again scary matchup, this used to be a good map for SK especially TACO/Cold but fox lacks experience on it, real question is if SK
managed to adapted him enough, in the other hand we have a FaZe who looked very strong at the major qualifier vs OpTic on this map, the problem
for faze is a guy called FalleN, who always put up good numbers here w his awp and dictate the rythm of the match, so once again SUPER close but SK wins.

PS. IF ONE OF THESE TEAMS FUCKS UP AND LEAVE CACHE OPEN - ITS A COIN TOSS 50/50 but FaZe has more advantange imo cos of their style.


-- Flipsid3 vs Liquid --

vetoes if F3 chooses to be Team A:
- F3 ban dust2, Liquid ban overpass, F3 ban cbble, Liquid ban train, F3 ban nuke - cache/mirage

vetoes if Liquid chooses to be Team A:
- Liquid ban overpass, F3 ban dust2, Liquid ban train, F3 ban cbble, Liquid ban nuke - cache/mirage

If cache: Flipside has a very strong T side on cache, which could be very scary for Liquid since they had a bad performance yesterday as CT
but imo Liquid didnt convince me yesterday before JDM`s 1v5 and the momentum changing factor, Flipside knows how liquid plays this map so if it comes down
to this map and considering blad3 loves to study their opponents, I really see F3 winning in a close match.

If mirage: Liquid has tons of exp playing this map but they lack consistency and same works for Flipside, but its important to mention that as a team
I believe Liquid is better, F3`s t side on mirage seems pretty bad, and in the other hand ive seen liquid strong on both sides already so, I can see
Liquid winning here comfortably


-- North vs Fnatic --

vetoes if North chooses to be Team A:
- North ban train, Fnatic ban nuke, North ban cache, Fnatic ban overpass, North ban dust2 - cbblestone/mirage

vetoes if Fnatic chooses to be Team A:
- Fnatic ban nuke, North ban train, Fnatic ban overpass, North ban cache, Fnatic ban cbblestone - dust2/mirage

If cbblestone: Scary for fnatic, they didnt play this map that much but used to be one of their best maps back in the days w the old
fnatic roster, North looked pretty bad yesterday against Gambit and didnt impress me at all, their setups were bad, they didnt adapt properly and fnatic had
the chance to watch this match so, imo Fnatic gains momentum here and North wont adapt again.

If dust2: HUGE advantage for fnatic here, North barely played the map recently and because of fnatic`s style I really think this can be a massacre unless someone
shines individually on the North side and manage to shut down olof/dennis/krimz on one of their best maps

If mirage: this is where things can fall apart for Fnatic, imo North is a waaay better team overall in this map, North is very consistent on both sides
and deffinately know how to develop map control on both sides, I think this is not gonna be a massacre but North gets a win here comfortably.


-- OpTic vs Astralis --

vetoes if OpTic chooses to be Team A:
- OpTic ban mirage, Astralis ban cbble, OpTic ban nuke, Astralis ban cache, OpTic ban dust2 - overpass/train

vetoes if Astralis chooses to be Team A:
- Astralis ban cbble, OpTic ban mirage, Astralis ban cache, OpTic ban nuke, Astralis ban train - overpass/dust2

If overpass: very scary matchup but Id give a decent advantage for Astralis, think this is been their best map for a long time, they already beat
optic on this map 3 times and If they didnt manage to adapt yet, why would they now? Astralis wins here again

If train: mind games are insane here, OpTic is very strong on this map and as I mentioned yesterday, even tho Astralis beat optic already here
they never really convinced me on this map, so this can go either way honestly especially if Astralis loses momentum and tilts like yesterday. OpTic are the favourites here

If dust2: Astralis is just way more structured and experienced playing this map, OpTic barely played this map offline and it used to be one of their main vetos, so if we see this
map I highly doubt they will be able to defeat Astralis, but I can see this being a really long match


-- GodSent vs Gambit --

vetoes if GodSent chooses to be Team A:
- GodSent ban nuke, Gambit ban cache, GodSent ban cbble, Gambit ban mirage, GodSent ban overpass - train/dust2

vetoes if Gambit chooses to be Team A:
- Gambit ban cache, GodSent ban cbble, Gambit ban mirage, GodSent ban nuke, Gambit ban dust2 - train/overpass

If train: Both teams are pretty good on this map, gambit tho lost to godsent last time they met in november, but after Godsent`s performance yesterday vs Astralis
I just dont see them not starting very strong here, this is by far GodSent`s best map and not gambit`s best map so, GodSent wins here.

If overpass: This is very scary, Gambit beat Godsent last time they met on this map and I really like the way CIS teams plays on this map, its very annoying
I think gambit`s way of playing very structure and methodical with Zeus making use of the clock and being super annoying, mixing executions and all that, makes them
heavy favourites here, so my guess is Gambit wins overpass

If dust2: Gambit used to play pretty good on this map but, this is deffinately not their style, I really think GodSent has a good advantage here cause of their loosy style
pronax used to call really good on this map and I think that GodSent showed us yesterday that they are on point with their skill so, close victory to GodSent here


-- VP vs G2 --

vetoes if VP chooses to be Team A:
- VP ban dust2, G2 ban mirage, VP ban overpass, G2 ban cbblestone, VP ban cache - nuke/train

vetoes if G2 chooses to be Team A:
- G2 ban mirage, VP ban dust2, G2 ban cbblestone, VP ban overpass, G2 ban train - cache/nuke

If nuke: Imo one of the best matchups on this map for sure, both teams are insanely good on both sides and im sure this match is gonna be decided on small details, slight advantage for VP on the map
but I just have a feeling here that G2 will surprise and beat VP anyway

If train: VP`s home since a long time, they are insanely good on the map but have been a bit inconsistent with their CT side, imo the only way G2 wins here is if they win both pistols and 1st gun rounds
on both sides, yes last time they met G2 won but .. you know? this is VP and they always come back stronger and learn from their mistakes, so VP wins here

If cache: G2`s home, they played incredibly great yesterday and I think they are super confident on the map, in the other hand VP doesnt feel comfortable with their cache anymore, their T side that used to
be one of the best in the world became kinda predictable and sloppy, so if it comes down to this man I feel sorry for VP but I dont see them being able to beat G2 and their style on this map.
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