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+right now i put my friends, family and figuring out myself out FIRST those are my morals right now
+saving money
+could visit over month in january
+yogas here (core power)
+UGA- #2 party school, not interested in drinking- esp freshman culture.
+football games- centered around drinking. I'm not interested in football on its own
+Don't want to join sorority
+don't like frat parties
+don't like douches/ republicans
+more interested in learning about myself than math, history, etc right now
+shavasana in yoga - a break to grown and take in what has happened
+only time i can do this
+can easily get job higher paying job @ at AA- could save up
+dalia's positive influence + yoga every night
+healthy eating
+I'm finally a great gem and i feel like I'm vulnerable to influence but i want to establish this individual i feel i am becoming and that i am so proud of.
+spps can attend saint paul college free
+whats the rush i will definitely no doubt transfer to college next year
+you can establish actual residence
+March 13th idea came to me- i have been trusting my intuition and listening to my mind and body a lot (i know that sounds stupid but I'm happier than I've ever been and its due to that)
+living with nana has made me much more responsible- she doesn't do things for me (dishes/laundry/clean/etc) so i have adjusted to (and even liking) being responsible for and taking care of myself
+I'm 18 years old an adult ultimately its my decision
+would still be getting college credit and it would COST YOU LESS
+not expecting you to financially support me to "find myself" ...even if you gave me $500 a month thats less than half what you spend on rent now and dalia and i will be roommates
+dont want to live in dorm- not good focus environment
+emory opened our eyes about the appalling issues
+I care about happiness above everything
+"12 per semester is usually the minimum for full-time status, which is required for full financial aid. Some people only go to school part time. 15 is average. At my school, I had to pay $300 dollars for every credit I took over 18. You can take 30 credits a semester if you want to end up hanging yourself. So 15 per semester = 30 credits after one year of college.
Usually a class is 3 credits, classes with labs or seminars have 4. So 4 classes per semster x 3 credits apiece x 2 semsters in a year = 24 credits freshman year. If you did that much you would graduate in 5 years." I have 17 credits already and am considering taking a summer course to get even more. So I already have over a full semester of credits and i could potentially go to saint paul college for free
+dalia and i could get an apt in July
+dont want any big classes lecture hall- saint paul college less ppl so you can actually get better help from teachers similar to HS
+I know my GPA will be straight A's if i go there
+ i can't let myself be the roadblock to my own happiness
+willing and wanting
+ i have my best interest in mind, still on the same path, just need to stop breathe and take life in and see how the real world is
+you don't want to pay $10,000 for me to get drunk nightly and have sex with gross pervs who drug me
+"coke sorority"
+i want sloth sorority (Kappa sloths) w dalia
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