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I, as a Directioner, am so sad to see how far this all went. How the fandom is not that much fangirling about boys' music anymore, but judge boys' personal life. How can you do this? HOw can you still write and say what they should do? Are you really that blind that you can't see how they are falling apart? Louis has been through hell last months. His mother died, his best friend. Can you imagine how much pain he must feel everyday, how hard it is for him to wake up everyday and go out with smile on his face just to see his fans happy? Why can't you stop telling him what to do/not do, who to date? It is his life, not yours! He can date, talk to whoever he wants. He is adult, he is no longer teen whose life is controlled, he is the master of his life and he does not need any permission especially from fandom. He has got beautiful healthy son, amazing family, good friends around him, but still there's one special person missing and that is his mum, you know how the boys and also him used to say that he is the biggest mama's boy. I can not and do not want imagine how he feels everyday. Stop doing this. Stop talking to him like he does not what he is doing. Of course he makes mistakes, he is just a normal person, like you, like me. That's what makes him human. Support his music. It is beautiful to see him happy when he perfoms, that is the main thing, we, as a fandom, should do. Support boys music, not judge boys decisions, or their life. Please, I am begging you, stop. Stop with judgements, harrasment, internet bullying. They see it. Why do you think Harry tweets few times a year? He posts almost nothing of twitter. Because of "Larry" comments? If they were together, they would tell it long time ago. NO management, no one has more power then they as individuals or together. And when it comes to Eleanor. She does nothing to you. She is a girl, who fell in love with a boy, but this boy happened to be Louis. He was happy with her. She was happy with him. You can't deny it. But they broke up, moved on, made mistakes, maybe fell in love again. But whatever, it is their life. Imagine you in her position. Imagine going through awful stuff everyday, going through so much hate literally for nothing. How would you feel? Useless, broken, sad? Can you imagine feel this everyday? Stop spreading the hate, spread love, be positive, support boys projects. As Harry would say, all the love. :)
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