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spawn char_marine_npc_voss_airdefense - Armed Voss
spawn char_marine_npc_morris_airdefense - Armed Morris
spawn char_marine_npc_anderson_airdefense - Armed Anderson
spawn char_marine_npc_bidwell_airdefense - Armed Bidwell
spawn char_marine_npc_cortez_airdefense - Armed Cortez
flashlight 1 - Flashlight for Npcs weapon (and not only the machinegun and pistol!!!)
talks 1 - Let the Npc talk (battlechatter)
talk_turn 1 -
leader player1 - Npc follows player!!!
npc_name '...' - Name of the npc shown. Don't forget the ' '
def_head ... (char_marinehead_gen_white_4) (char_marinehead_helmet) ... - Select the head of the npc
override_head ... - Override helmet, recommend for Tech and Medic marines
npc_description '...' - The npc description, for example 'Rhino Squad'
def_persona ... (persona_marine_act1_5) - Select a npc persona. It's needed to change for example the voice of a soldier.
If a soldier has a helmet (def_head) he should speak over his comlink (radiovoice). So you use "def_persona persona_marine_act1_1_helmet" for example.
health ... - Edit the npc health, recommend for heroes like Voss
healthregenenabled 1 - Healthregenration enabled, recommend for heroes like Voss
ammo ... - Edit the ammo number, example 40 or 80 is the standart for the machinegun.
minshots ... - Edit how many shots the npc has to fire min. , recommend if you want them to fire burst/auto/single (then also change maxshots!!!)
maxshots ... - Edit how many shots the nps has to fire max. , recommend if you don't wanna have a marine fire a full magazine like rambo...
tactical_rush 0/1 - Advance as close to the player as necessary (for example the Berserker has it)
tactical_ranged 0/1 - Stop at a valid attack range and remain there shooting
tactical_cover 0/1 - Take cover
tactical_hide 0/1 - Run away and hide if there is no way to attack enemy
team 0/1 - (0 = Npc is on your team, 1 = Npc is your enemy!) Now you can change stroggs to allies and marines to enemies. Warning: You can't shot Marines on close distance!
bleed 0/1 - Changes if the npc bleeds when hit. Now your marines can bleed when you hit'em, also when they're dead!
burnaway 0/1/2 - Should change if the dead npc burns away. Haven't tested yet.
spawn char_marine talks 1 def_head "char_marinehead_helmet" tactical_cover 1
spawn char_marine_npc_mills_storage2
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