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this is blakes notes about owls. 1-19-17
day 77
owls eat prey whole then barf up the carcess.they sometimes eat other owls.OWLS FEED THE STRONGEST BABIES FIRST.
owls are very good at blending in.some owls make a terifing hissing noise.elf owls other then being the smallest owl they live in cacti.
their owl symbol was once a sighn of victory in battle.they were also a symbol of death.owls and humans generally get along.Owls have a foot structure called zygodactyl which is similar to the structure of the feet of woodpeckers and parrots. Owls have four toes, three of which face forward and one backward when flying. However, when perched or grasping prey, the outer front toe can swivel back so that two toes face forward and two face backward. This allows an owl a better grip on prey or a branch.But for a truly exceptional grip, owls have the ability to lock their toes around an object so that they don't need to continually contract their muscles. Maximum grip with minimal effort.
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