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The distance is getting to you - I know baby, it gets to me too. But there's only a little we can do about it don't you think...We can perhaps take some comfort with the thought that this distance isn't forever..This distance is very temporary and isn't going to last a long time even though it may seem like that sometimes. Soon i'll be wherever you are, beside you always, laughing with you, spending my mornings and nights with you and loving you while we remember these days that were one of the most crucial in our relationship because this is the time that we built the foundation of our future together as a couple, as partners, friends, and soulmates. And i feel that we did a beautiful job with that. So i'll just advise you to embrace it, keep saving all that love for me inside of you, and inhale every emotion you feel about this distance in the most positive way because it has a beauty of its own that we will understand with the passage of time..I love you.

You're worried about the future - My love, why waste today worrying about tomorrow? I can't promise you that everything that happens will be in our favor because it's life and it doesn't always go our way. However there is something i do have control over and that's never letting go of your hand that I've promised to hold through sunshine's and storms. We will go thorough everything together always. You have me to guide you and advise you always. You are one of the strongest people that I know and I know there isn't any battle that you can't fight. Everything takes time and effort babe, Look at our story; I found true love and honest happiness which I had to wait just 20 years for, and on the other hand you had to wait 30 years to get the exact same thing. we both got it at different era's of our lives...i guess what i'm trying to say is you will be successful. you will live your dreams. you will fulfill your passion. you will be married. you will be a father. you will make your family proud. You have an entire life. Things take time. Just enjoy where you are now. Relax, I love you.

You need reassurance - One of my favorite things to do is tell you that I love you and how much i do. That I will always love every part of you and there's nothing that will lessen it even by an inch and I would choose you every time i am given a choice. You know, the gentleness of your love is the most powerful impact on my life. I found my best friend and love of my life in one and sometimes I still feel you are too perfect to be real for me because I cant wrap my head around the fact that I have someone who loves me the way you do...I always thought what it would be like to find someone who's sensitive and possessive about me yet lets me fly freely. someone who doesn't cage me and someone puts in genuine effort for me..but I have surrendered to your love because its way to strong for these feelings to occur..and as i have said before getting to know you was getting to know myself because you are the other half of me. I discovered the better side i never knew i had in me and reconnected to the parts of me i had disconnected with like my ability to love deeply and laugh loudly. Finding this love at home was the greatest miracle in my life and there is not a day that goes by that i am not grateful for the fact that on a planet of over 7 billion people, I was lucky enough to find you. and there's no way i'm ever letting go of a gem like you. I love you.

You need to know someone cares - Honestly I don't think you have any idea how much I care about you. It's more than I've ever cared about myself also, but that's fine because you do all the care for me. You give so much of care to everyone who matters to you and there's so much of invisible effort you put for people that sometimes you forget to take care of yourself. So that's why i'm here now, you should know that you always have someone who has your back and someone who will always be there for you to support you and someone who is not afraid of you falling because i will catch you before you hit the ground. I want you to never forget that you we both are one now and your battles are my battles and your happiness is my happiness. I have enough love and care for you to last a lifetime. I promise you this...I love you.

you miss me alot - I miss you even more. I want you to go to your gallery and walk through our memories which we have made throughout these beautiful months. It always helps me. From the time when I stayed over at nanu's and how we used to whatsapp even while sitting infront of eachother, how we became eachothers king and queen and how we used to look after eachothers small small things and pass cutie smiles to eachother all the time. and how we used to...acha i wont mention that here :P but how we became so important to eachother so quick and then our baat pakki..omg we were so so nervous ke dad kya bolengy and will we be able to pull through. look at us now :D Then my first trip after our baat pakki and how I used to get mad at you if you didnt give me all your attention :$ (get used to it okay you're all mine) and how you used to come to cheer me up omg that was so cute. and also how we always ended up entering shaadi venues at the same time and people used to think ke hum saath aye hain xD that was so cool. and how i used to take more than 10 mins to make your chai..(shaadi ke baad im bringing a kettle with me) i forgot where i was going with this but hang in there because i'm only one call away..I love you

You had a bad day - So my baby had a bad day han, kiski himmat hui? It's okay to have a lousy day once in a while jaan, It happens to me too. You can confide in me whenever you like. i'm all eyes and ears for you with my arms open. You know, when I have a bad day, I listen to the songs that remind me of you or i just let everything out to you and before i know it i feel fine. You are so cute when you're grumpy waise, just wait till we get married itni harkatein karungi na mein ap bolengy kaunsa bad day? i dont even know what bad day is. But for now, Take a deep breath and have some cold water. problems are temporary and mood swings are temporary too. We can watch a movie if you like, or we can just cuddle and sleep for awhile too :$ acha let me tell you a joke..eik bache se uski teacher ne poocha beta barey hokey kya banoge? toh bacha bolta hai icecream banunga bohot SCOOP hai. HAAHHAAHA omg that was so lame!! But I love you.

We've had a fight - What ever reason it is we are fighting..I want you to just calm down because I'm really sorry if I have upset you. And if i'm upset at you, just know my love for you is alot more than a fight that we have, I will always be in love with you even if i'm angry..Just remember, don't leave me while i'm upset because i really need you the most at that time. I'm really sensitive about you and I wouldn't want us to stop talking even if i say i do. And i will do the same for you. So lets talk it out instead of keeping it inside us or letting it build up inside us. Because i know you don't always express yourself but please try to. Fights are sometimes healthy in relationships because they are obstacles that 2 people fight together and come out even stronger. I love you..

You need a push - Okay i'm gonna get real with you right now. No pain, no gain. I really do want you to do well for yourself so i'm not going to stop turning into your personal Dr.Phil and giving you these talks. And also I really want you to settle quickly so I can come to you asap because mujhse wait nahi horraha naaa. I'm so excited to say Qabool hai three times and spend the rest of my life with you and take care of you and love you. But for that to happen there are some responsibilities that you need to take care of so bas jaldi karain and taiyaari pakrain bas. We need to become stable because we need to be there for our parents too. They deserve this from us. Even though theres nothing we can do or give them that will replace what they did for us, but we can try. And the cycle will go on when someday inshallah our children grow up, we will be treated by them the same way we treat our parents. So for your family, you need to work hard. and I'm there with you through it. We need to eat healthier, takecare of ourselves and eachother, fix our routines for which i'm hoping we can when my university starts and be alert. I really hope you get all the success and happiness in the palm of your hands..I love you.

I'm being moody or stubborn - Don't panic. I'm probably overthinking about something or maybe its something at home. Whatever it is, don't mind if i'm being the angry bird..i probably just need some AA. which is attention and affection. Your affection and attention always fixes my mood nomatter what the situation may be.
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