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The distance is getting to you - I know, it gets to me too. But there's only a little we can do about it don't you think? We can perhaps take some comfort with the thought that this distance isn't forever..This distance is very temporary and isn't going to last a long time even though it may seem like that sometimes. Soon i'll be wherever you are, beside you always, laughing with you, spending my mornings and nights with you and loving you while we remember these days that were one of the most crucial in our relationship because this is the time that we built the foundation of our future together as a couple, as partners, friends, and soulmates. And i feel that we did a beautiful job with that. So i'll just advise you to embrace it, keep saving all that love for me inside of you, and inhale every emotion you feel about this distance in the most positive way because it has a beauty of its own that we will understand with the passage of time..I love you.

You're worried about the future - My love, why waste today worrying about tomorrow? I can't promise you that everything that happens will be in our favor because it's life and it doesn't always go our way. However there is something i do have control over and that's never letting go of your hand that I've promised to hold through sunshine's and storms. We will go thorough everything together always. You are one of the strongest people that I know and I know there isn't any battle that you can't fight. Everything takes time and effort babe, Look at our story; I found true love and honest happiness which I had to wait just 20 years for, and on the other hand you had to wait 30 years to get the exact same thing. we both got it at different era's of our lives...i guess what i'm trying to say is you will be successful. you will live your dreams. you will fulfill your passion. you will be married. you will be a father. you will make your family proud. You have an entire life. Things take time. Just enjoy where you are now. Relax, I love you.

You need reassurance - One of my favorite things to do is tell you that I love you and how much i do. That I will always love every part of you and there's nothing that will lessen it even by an inch and I would choose you every time i am given a choice. You know, the gentleness of your love is the most powerful impact on my life. I found my best friend and love of my life in one and sometimes I still feel you are too perfect to be real for me because I cant wrap my head around the fact that I have someone who loves me the way you do...I always thought what it would be like to find someone who's sensitive and possessive about me yet lets me fly freely. someone who doesn't cage me and someone puts in genuine effort for me..but I have surrendered to your love because its way to strong for these feelings to occur..and as i have said before getting to know you was getting to know myself because you are the other half of me. I discovered the better side i never knew i had in me and reconnected to the parts of me i had disconnected with like my ability to love deeply and laugh loudly. Finding this love at home was the greatest miracle in my life and there is not a day that goes by that i am not grateful for the fact that on a planet of over 7 billion people, I was lucky enough to find you. and there's no way i'm ever letting go of a gem like you. I love you.

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