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Harris:Huh..Why are you using another number?
Russell:Are you alright?
Harris: Yea
Russell: You're lying
Russell:You moved on already?
Harris: I still love her with every broken pieces of my heart
Russell:She doesn't love you and never ever will
Harris:I just
Harris:The pain will last forever then
Russell: Don't be a useless idiot lah pls
Harris: I lost everything and Russell..just had to send me ss of their convo..I never even told her problems to PJ , All I did was to ask her to be nicer to jessica.Then She ask me if I want to hear the full story bout her from sec 1 to now like how she was different , her classmates being mean to her , a guy named fabian choosing another girl over her and all those things and that eventually led her to saying all those harsh words.Wow she even regretted bout meeting me and now She's gone. Forever~
Harris:Did you know how many times I tried to kill myself after that night? I actually almost succeeded but I chicken out at the last minute .Dont ever tell ANYONE this.I don't need people to be worried.
Russell:OI Don't do anything stupid hor , trying to join your parents?
Harris: Nothing exist after death , if it does then they would be in heaven and I would be in hell
Harris:I just finished planning my life.Eat,Work,Sleep and nothing more.I'll donate every money I ever earned to charity on my deathbed.I give up on pursuing my happiness.An Empty Life..
Harris:Haha , Just a weeks ago , I started to put effort in my life.Even my teachers thought I improved.
Harris: I'm really sorry.. I'm just really hurt..
Russell:wtf , you think she some kind of Goddess? Walao got alot of better girls ok??
Harris:I don't think I can ever fall in love with someone else
Russell:Then what?..You gonna fight for her love again?
Harris:I..You already said she will never ever love me..Idk..One side of me is like study hard,train to get fit, improve social skills and maybe win her back in the future but... I really feel like she probably love to be with someone else
Russell: Exactly , She actually love someone else already , she said that you weren't good enough ,so move on
Harris:I didn't know...Why couldn't you keep it away from me? That hurts alot...
Russell:For your own good
Harris:just leave me alone , why did you have to tell me you know how much it hurts..pls..just fk off bitch
Russell: I'm trying to help you
Harris:I am not kidding right now , It fking hurts alot...
Russell: Aight,I rather you listen to that one side , change yourself for her
Harris: I'm telling you , I don't think she will ever love me , She wasn't even sad at all to break up with me , she even said "not with him".Let her be happy with someone else.
Russell:But you might be worrying her
Harris: She will moved on and forget bout me
Russell:You want that to happen?
Harris:No.. maybe someday I'll..I.. nvrm..
Russell: I'm sorry to be mean but you're right about she only liking you for what you did , and not for who you are.
Russell: You two can still be friends or besties,You can still make her smile
Russell: That's good enough right?
Russell: Harris?...
Harris: Please stop it.. You're making me think of all the time I spent with her.. You done nothing but amplifying thr pain.Youre making me suicidal.Leave me alone.I'll live with a broken heart..💔
Russell:Forever like that?
Harris: Forever is a long time..But I wouldn't mind spending it.. by myself..
Harris:If you ever hangout with her for whatever reason, don't fking mention me or *interfere*.Just forget I ever existed.
Trust me , I *HATE* myself for being so sad and pathetic but those are my true feelings.I'll just pretend I move on.
Russell: Orh..
Russell:Do you regret meeting her?
Harris:I regret not being good enough
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