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Dear Sanah Wafa,

Hello beautiful, gorgeous, incredible, stunning, breath taking, loving, hard working, witty, charismatic, unique, special, cute, creative, enticing, angelic, spirited, gracious, graceful, spunky, polish, potential full woman. I have known you for several years, and over those years I always knew deep down your something special and a girl that would change my life. I remember when I first saw you at Goetz it was be the lower washrooms, right by the entrance where the kitchen is in the cafe. We heard about eachother but never had a face to face to contact. I saw you rushing down the wing, I remeber looking at you and thinking "Oh my Allah, God everything that is holy this girl is not real, its an angel". The presence, not even your looks, your presence it was like something swooped me from the side. You were in front of me all real and perfect. We made eye contact and ever since that day I have not forgotten that moment, and thats a moment that stands out so much to me. Its crazy to me, all the cute convos we have, the laughs, were basically the same person, we've been through so much together and we have the same heart, the same love, and the same care for eachother. We've always had this crazy attraction to eachother, flirted, and always stayed in eachother lives, and always were connected and almost inseparable, always coming back to eachother someway, somehow. I never left you because I can't i had this feeling deep inside me saying "Don't ever let this girl go, she's gonna be yours one day, and this purpose is bigger than you". I feel like we are here to heal eachother, love eachother, and just be around one another. I've listened to everything you've, which with me having ADD is so hard to do. I have such a short attention span but when I see your texts, or some form of contact with you I get butterflies, I wakeup and first thing I do is check my phone and if I don't see "Sunny Bunny <333 with bare emojis" I get sad or concerned because I want to actively be there. I don't need money, clothes, cars, material things, you give me something much morem you give me soul food, you give me purpose, you give me love, you give me attraction, and you turn me on in ways physical, spirutal, emotional, physical, and mental. You have been through so much, and to compare you to something would be like a viking in war with 10 medals, and the top commander of his army. Someone who kills people, fights them, faces fear and death everyday has to have no fear and a heart of steel. You are a soldier to me but a soldier of love, a soldier of life. You are incredibly strong, it makes me go that harder for you everyday. You've been through hell with boyfriends, and I wanna take you to Heaven with me. The immense amounts of pain you've had to go through with alone, makes me want to be by your side for the rest of your life so I can mend those wounds. I remember all the times, conversations, pains, and hurt you've been through. I can list more events than the fingers on my hands. My pain is your pain. To see you smoke because its a form of relief for all the hurt you endure day by day, breaks me inside. I want to focus on not the pain you;Hello beautiful, gorgeous, incredible, stunning, breath taking, loving, hard working, witty, charismatic, unique, special, cute, creative, enticing, angelic, spirited, gracious, graceful, spunky, polish, potential full woman. I have known you for several years, and over those years I always knew deep down your something special and a girl that would change my life. I remember when I first saw you at Goetz it was be the lower washrooms, right by the entrance where the kitchen is in the cafe. We heard about eachother but never had a face to face to contact. I saw you rushing down the wing, I remeber looking at you and thinking "Oh my Allah, God everything that is holy this girl is not real, its an angel". The presence, not even your looks, your presence it was like something swooped me from the side. You were in front of me all real and perfect. We made eye contact and ever since that day I have not forgotten that moment, and thats a moment that stands out so much to me. Its crazy to me, all the cute convos we have, the laughs, were basically the same person, we've been through so much together and we have the same heart, the same love, and the same care for eachother. We've always had this crazy attraction to eachother, flirted, and always stayed in eachother lives, and always were connected and almost inseparable, always coming back to eachother someway, somehow. I never left you because I can't i had this feeling deep inside me saying "Don't ever let this girl go, she's gonna be yours one day, and this purpose is bigger than you". I feel like we are here to heal eachother, love eachother, and just be around one another. I've listened to everything you've, which with me having ADD is so hard to do. I have such a short attention span but when I see your texts, or some form of contact with you I get butterflies, I wakeup and first thing I do is check my phone and if I don't see "Sunny Bunny <333 with bare emojis" I get sad or concerned because I want to actively be there. I wanna focus on the p gone through

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Regards; Team

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