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Chapter One

You smile at all the people happily getting along with each other, socializing, and just having fun. You sigh quietly, putting your head down, knowing you'll never be as happy as them. Where are you, exactly? You're at prom. You came because your friends said they would be there, but, unfortunately, they lied.
You searched all over the gym, finding no trace of them. You start to wonder why you even trusted them to come to prom. You shake your head slightly, closing your eyes. "I should've never even came..." After saying that, you feel a hand hold your shoulder, making you turn around. Looking at the figure behind you, you gasp quietly. It's him. The one who could've never been real. Who he is, you ask? Why, it's Sans, from the famous video game by Toby Fox, Undertale. He looks at you, his smile seeming kind. "Heya, kiddo. You seem upset, you alright?"
You just stare at him with shock, your eyes wide. "H-How.... W-what...? H-How are you..." He chuckles, sighing. "I dunno, bud. The kid just... Walked up to Asgore's castle and.. Broke the barrier. Then we just came here after watching the sun go down." You smile slightly, looking away. "I was always told that story.. Then Toby Fox made Undertale shortly after that story came back... I didn't know it was true..." His smile widens, nodding. "It's true kid. Hey, you wanna dance?" You are about to respond when the world fades and your vision goes black.
You wake up, sitting up, looking around your room. "It was just a dream.. Like always." You shake your head, smiling slightly. Prom wasn't for another three months, so you don't even know why you were dreaming of it. You get up, grabbing your phone, seeing that it is Saturday. Sighing, you fall back down onto your bed, looking at the ceiling. You hear a knock on your bedroom door, and a soft voice from behind it. "Hey sweetie, what do you want for breakfast?" You look at the door, stretching. "Nothing, I'm good, mom."
You hear a faint sigh from behind the door. "Alright.. Tell me when you're hungry and I'll make you something." "Okay mom, thanks." Footsteps fade away from your door as your left in quietness. Sighing once more, you start to softly sing 'Nightmare' by NateWantsToBattle. Getting up out of your bed, you get dressed into some thin but warm clothes. You continue to sing, brushing your hair and smiling a little at it looks nice.
You look outside, looking into the park that is right across the street, seeing the kids smile and playing, making your smile get a little more bigger. "Oh (Y/N), they're aren't real.. They never will be.. It's just an myth.." Right as you say that, you hear a really loud bang and your sight is only white for a mere few seconds before the bright light dies down, making you run downstairs instantly.
When you open get downstairs, the front door is wide open. You run out, standing next to your mom, looking at her with a panicked expression. "M-Mom!! What happened?! What was that loud bang?!?!" Instead of looking at you or verbally speaking, she points at the mountain that the monsters are supposedly underneath it. You look over at it, you eyes widening at what you see.
Smoke is arising from Mt. Ebott, and everyone is staring at it. You suddenly hear someone yell from down the street, "It can't be! The story was true!!!" You gasp slightly, taking a step back. "The story can't be true... It can't be.. It can't be true...."

*The Barrier was destroyed.
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