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(define ERROR 0.01)

;; ====== Problem 6.1 ======

;; A struct representing a fully opaque color in the HSL color system, see
;; e.g.
;; H: number - hue component (normalized to [0, 1])
;; S: number - saturation component (normalized to [0, 1])
;; L: number - lightness component (normalized to [0, 1])

(define-struct hsl (H S L))

;; rgb-to-hsl: color −> hsl
;; Komsumiert ein Color und wandelt den darin gegebenen Farbwert in ein r,g oder b um.
;; Example: (ausstehend)!

(define (rgb-to-hsl rgb-col)
(define (big-r-to-r red)
(*(/ 1 255)(color-red red)) )
(define (big-g-to-g green)
(*(/ 1 255)(color-green green)) )
(define (big-b-to-b blue)
(*(/ 1 255)(color-blue blue)) )

(define (max rgb)
;; Berechnet das Max (M) von den R,G,B Eingaben.
;; max: number number number -> number
(max red green blue) )
(define (min rgb)
;; Berechnet das Min (m) von den R,G,B Eingaben.
;; min: number number number -> number
(min red green blue) )
(define (C max min)
;; Berechnet C, indem Min von Max abgezogen wird.
;; C: number number -> number
(- max min) )

(define (H red green blue max C)
[(= c 0)0]
[(= max red) (/(*(-(/(- green blue) C) 6) /floor (/(/(- green blue) C) 6)))6]
[(= max green) (/(+(/(- blue green) C) 2) 6)]
[(= max blue) (/(+(/(- red green) C) 4) 6)] ))

(define (L max min)
;; L: number number -> number
(/(+ max min) 2))

(define (amount n)
;; Berechnet den Betrag.
;; amount: number -> number
[(> n 0)(+ 1 (amount (- n 1)))]
[(< n 0)(+ 1 (amount (+ n 1)))]
[else 0] ))

(define (S C L)
[(or (= C 0) (= L 0) (= L 1)) 0]
[else (/ C (- 1 (amount (- (* 2 L) 1))))] ))


(make-hsl (H S L))

;; Tests

;; rgb-to-hsl-list: (listof color)−> (listof hsl)
;; Konsumiert eine list of Color und gibt eine list of HSL aus.
;; Example: (ausstehend)!

(define (rgb-to-hsl-list rgb-list)
(map rgb-to-hsl rgb-list) )

;; Tests

;; ====== Problem 6.2 ======

;; hsl-to-ascii: hsl -> integer
;; Konsumiert ein HSL und berechnet daraus den ASCII Wert.
;; Example: (ausstehend)!

(define (hsl-to-ascii hsl)
[(<= (hsl-L hsl) 0,05) 35]
[(and (< 0,05 hsl-L) (<= hsl-L 0,5)) (round (+ 65 (- (* H 90) (* H 65))))]
[(and (< 0,05 hsl-L) (<= hsl-L) (<= hsl-L 0,5)) (round (+ 97 (- (* H 122) (* H 97))))]
[else 32] ))

;; Tests

;; hsl-to-ascii-list: (listof hsl -> (listof integer)
;; (Beschreibung ausstehend)!
;; Example: (ausstehend)!

(define (hsl-to-ascii-list hsl-list)
(map hsl-to-ascii hsl-list) )

;; Tests

;; ====== Problem 6.3 ======

;; average3: (listof color)−> (listof color)
;; Komsumiert eine Color Liste und wandelt sie in eine ASCII Liste um.
;; Example: (ausstehend)!
(define (average3 image)
(local (
(define (ascii-list hsl-list)
(hsl-to-ascii-list (rgb-to-hsl-list) (hsl-list)))

(define mask-alg hsl-list)
;; Konsumiert eine ASCII Liste und macht daraus eine Liste von Listen mit jeweils
;; 3 Elementen (i-1, i, i+1).
[(empty? ascii) 0]
(cons [(first ascii-list (first (rest ascii-list) (first (rest (rest ascii-list))))
(mash-alg (rest ascii-list)))] )]) ;;zweites

(define (first-m)
;; Das erste Element laut dem Mask-Alg mit first = 0.
(list (0 (first ascii-list) (first (rest ascii-list)))) )

;; No tests necessary here

;; ====== Problem 6.4 ======

;; downscale: (listof color)integer −> (listof color)
;; (Beschreibung ausstehend)!
;; Example: (ausstehend)!
(define (downscale image width)

;; No tests necessary here

;; ====== Provided code ======

;; downsample: (listof color) integer -> (listof color)
;; Downsamples an image by a factor of 2, i.e. first blurs the image with horizontal kernel
;; 0.25 * [1 2 1], then removes every second pixel horizontally and every second row, pads with (0, 0, 0);
;; Example: (downsample (list (make-color 0 0 0) (make-color 1 1 1) (make-color 2 2 2) (make-color 3 3 3)
;; (make-color 4 5 5) (make-color 5 5 5) (make-color 6 6 6) (make-color 7 7 7)) 4) returns
;; (list (make-color 0 0 0) (make-color 2 2 2)) with width of 2
(define (downsample rgb-list width)
(empty? rgb-list)
(downscale (average3 rgb-list) width)))

;; Test
;; error here -> student did forget to check for an empty list
(check-expect (downsample empty 0) empty)
;; error here -> student assumes that list-length is greater than 1 or pads wrong
(check-expect (downsample (list (make-color 128 128 128)) 1) (list (make-color 64 64 64 255)))
;; error here -> student probably does not take the imge's width correctly into account
(check-expect (downsample (list
(make-color 0 0 0) (make-color 1 1 1) (make-color 2 2 2) (make-color 3 3 3)
(make-color 4 4 4) (make-color 5 5 5) (make-color 6 6 6) (make-color 7 7 7)) 4)
(list (make-color 0 0 0) (make-color 2 2 2)))

;; downsample-pyramid: (listof color) integer integer -> (listof color)
;; Executes pyramidical downsampling (i.e. n times downscaling by factor two), the resulting width is width / 2^(n - 1)
;; Example: (visual)
(define (downsample-pyramid rgb-list width n)
(= n 0)
;; no more steps for downscaling - return image
;; otherwise, sample one more step
(downsample (downsample-pyramid rgb-list width (- n 1)) (/ width (expt 2 (- n 1))))))

;; here: only visual tests (load, downsample/average3 and export image, do a visual comparison)
;; load-averag3-save: string string integer -> boolean (and PNG-image on disk)
(define (load-average3-save in-path out-path)
((define in-img (bitmap/file in-path)))
(average3 (image->color-list in-img))
(image-width in-img)
(image-height in-img))

;; load-downscale-save: string string integer -> boolean (and PNG-image on disk)
(define (load-downscale-save in-path out-path)
((define in-img (bitmap/file in-path)))
(downscale (image->color-list in-img) (image-width in-img))
(/ (image-width in-img) 2)
(/ (image-height in-img) 2))

;; Visual tests (Only check for successful save)
(check-expect (load-average3-save "fop-u04-material/gcc_logo.jpg" "fop-u04-material/gcc_logo_blurred.png") true)
(check-expect (load-average3-save "fop-u04-material/solid_snake.jpg" "fop-u04-material/solid_snake_blurred.png") true)
(check-expect (load-average3-save "fop-u04-material/big_boss.jpg" "fop-u04-material/big_boss_blurred.png") true)

(check-expect (load-downscale-save "fop-u04-material/gcc_logo.jpg" "fop-u04-material/gcc_logo_scaled.png") true)
(check-expect (load-downscale-save "fop-u04-material/solid_snake.jpg" "fop-u04-material/solid_snake_scaled.png") true)
(check-expect (load-downscale-save "fop-u04-material/big_boss.jpg" "fop-u04-material/big_boss_scaled.png") true)

;; ascii-artify: string number -> string
;; Loads an image from the given path, downscales it n times by 2 and converts it to ascii art, the saves it as HTML-page in fop-04-material/ascii_art.html
(define (ascii-artify img-path n)
;; save-ascii-file: (listof integer) integer string -> filename (and ascii-image wrapped into HTML page on disk)
;; Saves a list of integers as ASCII image of a gven width in HTML page (zoomable)
((define (save-ascii-image ascii-list width filename)
;; converts integers in input ist to characters
((define char-list (map integer->char ascii-list))
;; add-newlines: (listof char) integer integer -> (listof char)
;; Adds a newline character (#newline) every width characters
(define (add-newlines lst i width)
[(empty? lst) lst]
;; passed width characters -> add <br /> and #newline for HTML view
[(and (= (modulo i width) 0) (> i 0)) (append (list #< #b #r #/ #> (first lst)) (add-newlines (rest lst) (+ i 1) width))]
;; else just keep character
[else (cons (first lst) (add-newlines (rest lst) (+ i 1) width))])))
;; write ASCII file as HTML page
;; add custom square font to HTML page and keep formatting of ASCII art
"<html><head><title>FOP Ascii Art</title>"
"<style type="text/css">@font-face {font-family: Square; src: url("square.ttf") format("truetype")}</style>"
"</head><body><pre style="font-family:Square, monospace;">"
(list->string (add-newlines char-list 0 width))
(define img (bitmap/file img-path)))
;; save downscaled image
(hsl-to-ascii-list (rgb-to-hsl-list (downsample-pyramid (image->color-list img) (image-width img) n)))
(/ (image-width img) (expt 2 n))

(ascii-artify "fop-u04-material/gcc_logo.jpg" 2)

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