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It's been a long time that I've liked you. I tried opening up a couple times to you but you just blew it off and didn't care, didnt take it seriously and it didn't mean anything to you. What I would like to get off my chest is that I can see that deep inside you you're also aching for that guy who will take care of you love you and just listen to you and will do what ever you please.. Im just going to be super honest right now. Im the type of person who doesn't do drugs. doesn't drink. wont have sex till marriage because I know and understand what sex is for/about. I'm the type of person that wants to Care for someone, make them happy, and just love them. With out caring about what I recieve in return. I dont even care. I just want to matter to someone. Thats all I care about. It takes a lot for me to like a girl.. and I will be honest i've tried looking for others but nobody shines like you do in my eyes.. You're extremely nice and from what I know you are silly.. and you seem like a person who would cry over the smallest things.. and Thats just someone who i want. Any other girl i seem to look at is really selfish and stuck up... and I dont think you're like that. Now you obviously have some flaws that I don't know about, but I would look past those. I would be the best I could be, and treat you right. I probably sound obsessive, and im freaking you out most likely. but its not even that im obsessed with you. It's just that i can't really seem to like anybody else. No one fits the expectations I have. I just thought you should know.. that there IS someone out there who would change for you and do what ever for you. And that there is someone who would love you how every woman should properly be treated by a man. And its me. Whats hurting me the most right now is that i moved thousands of miles away from Crystal lake. I can't even attempt to chase you. and I definitly can't find anyone else like you up here. Literally the last thing i think about at night is you. and I just don't know what to do anymore. My reputation in school was ruined by others just because of where I am from. How the media portrays my race and etc. I never felt confident in getting you but now I really regretted that I never kept on chasing you. If I could find someone else like you who would look past everything and just look at me for me and know that im a really good guy I would be happy. But I can't.. and I really want you and want to get to know you better but I just can't because i moved so far away.. I wish i could say I love you but I don't. I dont know you to love you. The last thing I want to say is that I think you are out of this world gorgeous.... And that I can tell you right now that 99.9% of other guys you wont find like me.. the rest will just want to conquer you. they wont want a relationship. If you read this, I thank you for reading it...
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