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Instructions: Select a single answer from all questions where the answers are preceeded with parenthesis "( )". Select one or more answers from all questions where the answers are preceeded with brackets "[ ]". For any matching questions, enter the letter of the corresponding matching item inside of the brackets provided.

SECTION 1) Multiple Choice:

Choose ONE answer from the four letter choices.

1) The Author of the book is:

( ) Jane Austin
( ) Y. Kormornick
( ) T.J Maxwell
( ) Miriam Schonzeit
2) The father, Chaim has two children, What are their names?

( ) Tzippy and Rina
( ) Suri and Yitzy
( ) Baruch and Shlomo
( ) Rochelli and Mashi
3) What did the mother pass away from?

( ) age
( ) cancer
( ) heart attack
( ) suicide
4) Where did the family move?

( ) Israel
( ) Hawaii
( ) Columbia
5) What are one of the reasons Mashi gets bullied?

( ) She screams at people
( ) She's new in school
( ) She's poor
( ) both b and c
6) What's Rochelli's "friend's" name?

( ) Hadassa
( ) Penina
( ) Devorah
7) What is the personality trait that always seems to be taking over the girls' feelings?

( ) anger
( ) sadness
( ) fear
8) what is the person's name who helps out Mashi quite a bit?

( ) Mrs. Goldman
( ) Mrs. Greenwald
( ) Sarah Silver
9) Who does the teacher first date?

( ) Raphael
( ) Mordechai
( ) Chaim
10) What is the leader of the bullies name?

( ) Rikki
( ) Shira
( ) Riva
( ) Shoshana
11) What type of drink does Batsheva always get?

( ) Beer
( ) Coke
( ) Diet Coke
( ) Pepsi
( ) Diet Pepsi
12) Mashi watches a group of children. What's the mother's name?

( ) Zelda
( ) Menucha
( ) Leora
( ) None Of The Above
13) What relationship does Mashi have with Mrs. Fink?

( ) Friend
( ) She's the babysitter for her
( ) Mother
( ) Both a and b
14) What point of view is this book taken from?

( ) 1st person
( ) 1st and 3rd
( ) 3rd person
( ) 2nd person
15) What is the conflict?

( ) man vs. nature
( ) man vs. man
( ) man vs. self
( ) both b and c
16) How does Mashi describe little Rina?

( ) "Pig in a wig"
( ) "A lovable handful"
( ) "An obnoxious brat"
17) What genre is this book?

( ) Non-fiction
( ) fiction
( ) biography
18) How old is Mrs. Frank?

( ) 32
( ) 87
( ) 26
( ) 14
19) In the end what was Rochelli's choice in being friends with Penina?

( ) She decided she couldn't handle her anymore
( ) she killed her
( ) her father forced her to never hangout with her anymore
( ) She was much too inappropriate for a Beis Yaakov girl , like herself
( ) both a and d
20) Where does Mr. Kalinsky (Chaim) and Batsheva (Mrs. Greenwald) keep meeting each other?

( ) at the mall
( ) at the market district
( ) in several PTA meetings
( ) they never met before
21) What does Mrs. Fink suggest to Mashi to help boost her self-esteem?

( ) Look in the mirror, compliment herself, and say she's a princess.
( ) Say her name at least 15 times a day.
( ) Walk up and down the block 6 times a day.
22) What are the two matchmakers names?

( ) Mrs. Cohen and Mrs. Fruchter
( ) Mrs. Goldblatt and Mrs. Weinstein
( ) Mrs. Maxwell and Mrs. Eisenberg
( ) None of the above
23) What is the girl in Mashi's class name, who has arguments with her mother?

( ) Yocheved
( ) Sharonah
( ) Rivkah
( ) Shterna
24) Mashi and Rochelli's mom's name was:

( ) Esther
( ) Shira
( ) Chava
( ) Miriam
25) When their father get's remarried, what do Mashi and Rochelli call their new step-mother?

( ) Mommy
( ) Mama
( ) Ima
( ) Mother
26) How does the father reveal the news to his kids?

( ) Brings them on a helicopter and tells them.
( ) Calls them and tells them to come to meet "His new Kallah".
( ) He doesnt't tell them.
27) A year later they have a baby. What's its name?

( ) Rochel
( ) Bella
( ) Akiva
( ) Yisroel
SECTION 2) True Or False:

Choose true or false based on if the statement is true or not.

1) Mashi and rochelli's mother comes back alive.

( ) True
( ) False
2) Rikki gets busted and punished for bullying Mashi.

( ) True
( ) False
3) There are flashbacks in this story.

( ) True
( ) False
4) Mrs. Greenwald marries Raphael.

( ) True
( ) False
5) Mrs. Greenwald is in her 20s.

( ) True
( ) False
6) Raphael is poor.

( ) True
( ) False
7) Batsheva's favorite supper is lasagna.

( ) True
( ) False
8) The Kalinsky's have a mansion in Paris.

( ) True
( ) False
9) Mr. Kalinsky drew Mrs. Greenwald a picture for her birthday.

( ) True
( ) False
10) Mashi and Rochelli are twins.

( ) True
( ) False
11) Batsheva's parents come over to tell her something that would absolutely change her life.

( ) True
( ) False
12) Raphael and Batsheva didnt work out because he had anger issues.

( ) True
( ) False
13) Batsheva's parents dont usually come over to her house. Batsheva's worried.
Her parents have good news.

( ) True
( ) False
14) Mashi and Rochelli's mom's name was:

( ) Esther
( ) Shira
( ) Chava
( ) Miriam
15) Rikki's mom's name is Sarah Braham.

( ) True
( ) False
16) When Batsheva goes to her parents' house Chaim is there to meet her there.

( ) True
( ) False
17) There, he proposes.

( ) True
( ) False
18) Batsheva says no to the proposal.

( ) True
( ) False
19) In the end they get married.

( ) True
( ) False
20) When Chaim and Batsheva have a baby, they have a boy.

( ) True
( ) False
SECTION 3) Short Answer

Answer with 1-2 COMPLETE sentences.

1) What do you think Rikki is really going through that she has practically ruin another girl's life?

( ) I think she might have extra problems at home because she happens to be super rich. I also think she is lonely because her mother has a full time job as a therapist and she feels like she never spends time with her, so she just takes it out on an innocent girl.
( ) I also think she is lonely because her mother has a full time job as a therapist and she feels like she never spends time with her, so she just takes it out on an innocent girl.
2) Why do you think Mashi and her sister, Rochelli are acting so mean to her father in the beginning of the book?

( ) I think they are having mental reactions towards him because of their mother recently passing away. I also think that wih all that's going on with their family
( ) including: a recent death, their father losing his job, moving across the world, and leaving their childhood behind it could be appropriate having those types of affects on the girls.
SECTION 4) Written Essay

Must be 3 paragraphs long.

1) In the last chapter of the book Mashi writes a letter to her mother about what's going on in her new family's life and how she feels about everything. Sum up how you think she feels and write how you would feel if G-d forbid you were in her situation. Remember grammer, spelling, and other mistakes you might make.

( ) She talks about how she misses and loves her mother. Just by reading the chapter you kind of connect with her in a way that you sort of know how she feels.
Because her mother died, she's been upset with G-d so she has been ignoring Him by not praying or trying to talk with Him. In this chapter she says she misses Him also and was sorry for not paying as much attention to Him as she thought she was supposed to.
( ) She explains to her mom how she calls her new mom Ima because she didnt want to sound like she was trying to replace her real mother. She also stated something i thought was pretty surprising. She said that she was greatful for being bullied beacause in the end her father has a new wife and her life's better now.
( ) She also explains how excited she was that she had a new baby brother. She says she knows her mother would have been sad if her father remained alone. She says how life is so different now and her father is so much happier now that he's married again. If i was in her situation i would still be struggling but I think I would have a much better life. I don't have that kind of life though, thank G-d.
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