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I know you've tried a lot, me too

You've probably tried at least 5 writing services on BHW already. And the results? Rather disappointing, right? I was not that active here but I have indeed bought articles and got disappointed <you can check my post history>. The frustrating part is that after paying the writers, the best I could do was to submit my keyword and pray God will have mercy on me and good articles are delivered.

That needs to changed, and I did

I got fed up with writers I found and I started writing my own content. I have background in screen writing and copy-writing so I approached content writing the non-traditional way <you know, the essay style writing is boring as a brick> and my writing style focuses on the flow of the article to capture the reader gold fish like attention.

The way I write is slow but brings results

I take at least 7 hours to finish one article. Because I spend a lot of time researching on your target audience, what they like, what triggers them, their jargons, and what they don't like and I come up with the style of writing, tone and language that your target audience can resonate with.

I am not a generalist writer, I have my niches

I only write in niches that I am experienced in or very passionate about because I don't think I can write a kick-ass article on topics that are boring to me and I don't think taking your money for it is fair. So if your niche is listed below, it means I am confident I can write a great content for you.

Fitness & Diet: I used to weigh 220 pounds before and trust me, I read about fitness and diet like I breathe air.

Real Estate & Investment: I am crazy about real estate, I have 2 apartments that are on Airbnb and "OK" stock portfolio.

Technology & Gadgets: I have written and read articles about technology and new gadgets all the time. I can write it in my sleep.

Online Marketing & Sales: All I do for a living is online marketing and sales. That's my bread and butter and you bet I can write very well about it.

Tourism & Relaxation: I have traveled to 14 countries around the world, including Iran, Nepal, Chile and Suadi Arabia. You can trust my knowledge on airlines, hotels and everything involves traveling and relaxing.

Working with me? Here's my work process
I am an organized guy, working with me you know exactly what to expect.

- You submit your project requirements:
You tell me in detail what you expect to see in the article. Do you want a certain percentage of keyword density or none at all? What kind of tone would you like and etc.

- Customer research on target audience:
Now it's time for me to dig a little deeper on your target audience and see what jargons they use and what language style would suit them <you can also specify a certain style if you want>,

however, if they topic is what I am very familiar with and I am basically living around your target audience <like fitness, for example>. The research phase will be skipped.

- Rigorous proofreading:

Come on, I am not perfect. Every piece of content I write will have to go through my strict editor's eye first before I can send to you. This is to prevent typos and other petty errors.

- Send final work:
Send you the final work via email and pray you like it.

"Alright, how long does it take?"

Each article should take around 2 to 4 business days to finish. This is a pace where I can write solid content without compromising the quality

< Click here to order your content >

Questions you might have in mind;

What kind of writing services do you offer now?

- Right now, I want to focus on only article writing.

Will the article pass Ezine Article?

- Definitely, I have clients buy Ezine article all the time and all of them pass

Do you have some samples? I would love to see.

- Absolutely, here are a few you can have a look at. Link 1, Link 2, Link 3

Do you have more questions? Please feel free to PM me or post here on the thread and I will reply to them at the earliest convenience.

what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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