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-Mitt Romney:
Social security:
neither the pres nor Mitt or propsing any changes to ss or medicare for sineros

On medicare for current retires hes cutting 7 hundred and 16 dollars billion
everyonges getting a lower rate 15% of hospitals won't take medicare patients
14 mill on medicare
4 million people will use something called medicare daanteage because of the seven hundred and sicteen billion dollar cut my grandmother on my ads side and peepaw and mee maw will loose this
young poeple propseals will be therefor them with ut any questions
no change
obamas going to screw everything up
keep medicare in place for the young
use current medicare or private
two plans entirely no cost so they dont hasve to pay additional money
have benfits high gor low income
lower benefitys for high income
idea came from-bill clintons chief of staff
competitio n

gov reguation
no free market with out reg
every free economy
same time reg can be excessive out of date
reg become exsisve hurt economy
ex. dock frank = prevision un intended cons harm economy
doc frank. frank
two years dont know what a qual ified mortage is
dot frank- sometimes not a clear reg
not hurt of the market place buisness
good jobs yapyap
Health care:
experince. can't afford insurance
cost of helath care prohb
un fortunately when you look at obama care cost 2,500 dollars more than traditional money.
2nd cuts 716 billion dollars from medicare
tells people utimatley

whats been the eff of ob cr
less likely to hire people.
killed jobs!
craft a plan at state level fits needs of state
then focus getting cost down
two thousand
repub and demis come together work togethr
push through a planw ith out repub vote
no joining together in merican
87% dem in mass legistlature
no raise taxes
raised my trillion
didnt put in place a board that told people what treatments they put
put people in a position to loose what ins
cbo-loose ins

Obama care:
paying prem low and behold not enough money insurance companies say theyve hit money limit
says theyve been working obama cr
helath insurance dont mean gov take over keep your ownpriv
insurance companies can jerk you around
says you have to get rebates is insurance companies are spending more on admintrative things that prooifts
gorup plan benefit from group things 18% or lower
last point. seen model work well hur hur
identical model syas people are covered
obamas and idiot.
brining down costs

Social security: Says they have the same view
Values behind medicare/social security:entitlements says theres millions of people that are coutning on it
How do we strenghthen it: Bring down cost to deal with long termd effict
where is the money going 7,16 million dollars
says lowered percerpition cost for seieneros
Lower helath care cost
social security you don't need a major strcutral change
premium support-voture program he doesn't support
sayds he
cost sinceros 6,000 dollars a year
older sicker scieneros in medicare
traditional medi care system will collapse
if you repeal obama care those scieneros are going to be paying 600 dollars more for prescriptions
privatre insurence has to make porf
reckless behavior across country
tough reform n wall street since the 30's
no risky behavior no no no
every help day be providin be given back
does anybody out thar be thinkin big problem were having to much over sight

how raise their capital printed money well ew can hand banks cash let them buy gov bonds
then print mon now you have to give mon to gov.


In this debate the President and governer Mitt romney have a discussion about medicare.
they're asked their different views on the things Romney talks about
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