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Papa Bank
Today I am here to tell everybody about my happy and thoughtful grandfather. He meant a lot to me and we had a lot of memories together. The trip to nyc was amazing and it was the best. It was fun that we all got to walk together and just enjoy something new. I remember that we always watched law and order right after anything we did anything in NYC. A funny memorie that I remember was that there was a viser that had fake hair on it and at that time he was bald. It made me laugh to think about those good time we had together. I remember at EVERY sleepover that we had watched law and order and we have had many marathons. I always got to hold your hand when we sat in bed together. I hated to see you weak and sick. When you were at the hospital and we slept over at Mimi's house, it felt so lonely and sad that you weren't there to hold our hands. You always loved coins and banks and that's why we called you papa bank. I don't know what life is going to be like without you. When Addison and I were really young intil we were 8 we always used to play Christmas music. You would always ask us what Christmas song we should play next. It didn't even matter if it was summer or not even close to Christmas we would still play the sing with happiness in our hearts. You were a hard working man and I'm going to miss you so much. Every sleepover will never be the same and Christmas will never be the same. I have a picture of papa and fletcher the two people that meant the world to me. You always understood my promblem's and I thank you for that. You told me from right and wrong. So I hope that you have a better life in heaven and no pain or promblem's. I loved you so much and its hardtop think that we don't share any dna. I wish that people back then knew that smoking was very wrong and I don't blame you doing it because you didn't know it was wrong. There are a bunch of more memories that I could list but that would be a lot. Everyday was a memorie with you. Love you lots Papa Bank.
Love, Ella
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Regards; Team

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