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The boards speak below my feet, the staircase is dark brown, the kind of brown that you see in horror movies. My name is Ian Ring I'm 13 years old and I just moved into my new house in Wingston. I am an only child and I live with my parents, the house we got was surprisingly cheap but I heard rumors about it, murder rumors. I walked up to the attic to retrieve some boxes, I walked into the room and turned on the light. It was dark for a second, then the lights flickered on. A light grey shape flew out of the corner of my eye, then it was gone. ´´What was that?´´I whispered.
I waited a few seconds and nothing happened. Then I heard a scream. The lights turned off. Two bloodshot red eyes stared at me, with the outline of a tall figure. Then everything went black.
I opened my eyes, my wrists and ankles were in chains.´´Help!´´ I yelled. ´´Finally he wakes up.´´ says a cruel voice
´´Where am I?´´ I say.
Suddenly a man steps into view,
´´You are here to work for me, once your service is done you may go´´ he says like he has said it a thousand times.
´´Who are you you?´´ I question.
´´I am Mr. Tam´´
´´You will follow orders and not ask questions´´
The man leads me down a dark hallway, my mind full of questions, but I know better than to ask them or I might be back in the chains.
´´Your room´´ he says dryly.
The door is light gray with the numbers ´´101´´ on it, I open the door, there is a bed, a desk with a clock on it and a restroom. The door slams behind me, I hear a voice outside the door.
´´Meet at the at the end of the hallway at your right at 8 o'clock AM, and you will meet them´´
´´Breakfast and Dinner will be delivered to your room at 7o'clock AM and PM, lunch will come on special occasions, don't even try to leave, your door will be unlocked at the appropriate time´´ Mr.Tam said.
I go sit on my bed, my mind full of questions. Where am I? What am i doing here? Who are they? And what's the work I have to do? My clock says 8:00.
´´ Well, I guess I missed dinner.´´ I say to myself.
I put my head down my pillow and try to fall asleep, hoping that it was just a crazy nightmare. I wake up the next morning, to the sound of a tray sliding under my door, I get up and walk to the tray, there is one, egg, a piece of toast, and a small cup of milk.
´´A hearty breakfast´´ I mutter to myself.
I sit down and and start eating, looking around the room, finally realizing the situation i'm in.
´´Do my parents miss me?´´ I wonder.
At 7:58 I open the door and head down the hallway, I see two figures at the end of the hallway. As i get closer, I can start to make out there features. Both boys, one looks about 17 with dark hair, and the other looks about my age with curly hair. As I get closer the older one says something.
´´ My name is Barren, I am your instructor on the build.´´ Says the older one.
´´And my name is Nathan, i'm on your level, following him.´´ As he nods to Barren.
´´Well, my name is Ian, and can someone please explain what's going on here?´´ I say.
´´Nathen, take Ian to his room and tell him what he needs to know´´ says Barren.
I walk down the hallway,

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