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Good morning ladies and gentlemen, my respectable team and the honorable opposition. Our topic discusses the impact of globalization on youth in Malaysia. My team believes that globalization has a negative impact on youth in Malaysia.
The affirmative team has stated that their definition of globalization is the rapidly connecting world around us and we agree with this definition. However, we would like to put forward a definition of the term "youth" as referred to in the topic sentence. We define youth as anyone within the age range of 15 and 25 years old. We decided that this definition needed to be put into place, to avoid any confusion.
Good morning ladies and gentlemen, my respectable team and the honorable opposition. Our topic discusses the impact of globalization on youth in Malaysia. My team believes that globalization has a negative impact on youth in Malaysia.
The affirmative team has stated that their definition of globalization is the rapidly connecting world around us. Nonetheless, we disagree with this definition as it does not relate to this topic here today and therefore we, the negative team propose an alternative definition. Globalization is the worldwide movement of economic, financial, communication and trade towards integration. We believe that this definition is more in line with the topic. However, we would like to put forward a definition of the term "youth" as referred to in the topic sentence. We define youth as anyone within the age range of 15 and 25 years old. We decided that this definition needed to be put into place, to avoid any confusion.

First of all, I would like to address some flaws in the affirmative team's points. They stated that

I will now outline the structure of my team's arguments. I will be talking about globalization’s effect on smaller local businesses. Our second speaker Jeremy will be talking about the exploitation of cheap labor and the loss of knowledge in youth. Our third speaker Jia will be bringing to light the various financial problems that will plague the youth of Malaysia due to globalization. Our fourth speaker Mikhail will be addressing the concerns of pollution as a result of globalization and our fifth and final speaker, Aaron will be summarizing and defending our points and concluding our arguments.
My first argument is the negative effect that globalization will have on local businesses. This may seem unrelated to youth, but I assure you that it is in fact related to them. Youth growing up in Malaysia are likely to come into contact with local businesses in many ways, whether it be a job opportunity or just a day out for groceries. Not only do these local businesses interact and provide goods and services for the youth of Malaysia, but they also inspire them to start their own businesses. They provide many jobs for the youth and the majority of people working at local businesses are likely to be local youth. Do you know what the effects of globalization have on local businesses? Well, although globalization is always portrayed with positive implications, in truth, they have many negative effects. They allow larger companies and businesses with big brand names such as transnational corporations to take over the local market and push the smaller local businesses out. It is almost impossible to compete with the likes of brands that are well known including Tesco and Giant. Every single local business is likely to support a family and provides a future for the youth growing up and this especially applies in Malaysia. Globalization robs these families of their future and livelihood. It leaves many people lacking a suitable job opportunity. Therefore, globalization undoubtedly will have a negative impact on the youth of Malaysia. Thank you.

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, my respectable team and the honorable opposition. Our topic discusses the impact of globalization on youth in Malaysia. My team believes that globalization has a negative impact on youth in Malaysia.
The affirmative team has stated that their definition of globalization is the rapidly connecting world around us. Nonetheless, we disagree with this definition as it does not relate to this topic here today and therefore we, the negative team propose an alternative definition. Globalization is the worldwide movement of economic, financial, communication and trade towards integration. We believe that this definition is more in line with the topic. However, we would like to put forward a definition of the term "youth" as referred to in the topic sentence. We define youth as anyone within the age range of 15 and 25 years old. We decided that this definition needed to be put into place, to avoid any confusion. First of all, I would like to address some flaws in the affirmative team's points. They stated that

I will now outline the structure of my team's arguments. I will be talking about globalization’s effect on smaller local businesses.
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Regards; Team

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