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Germ Theory
theory that certain microbes might cause specific infectious
Louis Pasteur
A french chemist that showed the link between microbes and diseases. He developed vaccines against rabies and anthrax.
Robert Koch
A german doctor that identified the bacterium that caused tuberculosis, which claimed 30 million lives.
Florence Nightingale
An army nurse during the crimean war. She introduced sanitary measures in hospitals. She founded the worlds first school of nursing.
Joseph Lister
English surgeon discovered how an antiseptic prevented infection. (reduced deaths from infection) Insisted surgeons wash hands.
Urban renewal
rebuilding of the poor areas of a city
Mutual-aid societies
self-help groups to aid sick or injured workers
Standard of living
Measures of the quality and availability of necessities and comforts in a society
Wich factors caused population rates to soar between 1800 and 1900?
better diets, better hygiene, advances in medicine, and improved sanitation

How did industrialization change the face of cities?
With industrialization came more jobs, urban renewal, better sanitation, and entertainment, but it also created slum conditions and higher crime rates.

How did workers try to improve their living and working conditions?
through protest and pressure on the government
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