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Chasing Ice
Albedo: effect of snow that reflects sunlight back into space.
Ex. Snow and ice has a higher effect of reflection than water.

Climate change: a change that effects earth as a whole that warms or cools the planet and other changes beside the temperature ,it came into effect in the last 100 years and is due to the rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Ex. Glaciers are melting causing higher sea levels due to the heat rise from the carbon dioxide.

Weather: the local climate for a state of time which can be defined as hot, cold, dry or rain

Cryoconite: Flakes of carbon, dust pollutant, rocks and soot which is deposited on glaciers that draw heat.
Ex. The cryoconite decreases the albedo affect and can melt ice faster.

Glacial retreat: the loss of mass from a glacier due to more melting and less build up of the glacier causing a retreat to happen.

Atmosphere: the gases that surround a planet.

Climate change in Blind River will have a significant impact around the area, the changes could vary but most likely to experience higher temperatures, warmer winters and such.
Climate affecting Canada will be dangerous to the ecosystem such as forests being too much out of the wrong temperature and the arctic ecosystem itself will be at-risk.
Internationally, the climate will change and affect everything to forests, wildlife and domestic life, ecosystems will change drastically across country's sea levels will rise flooding cities and many other climate effects will rise.
the more hot the weather gets the more mixing of hot and cold, due to these conditions more violent storms can occur and more frequently.
I couldn’t come up with anything so I’m just going to say this,
Religion can be believed in but it can’t be forced upon, like religion, the people that don’t want to believe in climate change will not, even though it is fact.
They are evidence that global warming are happening compared to the historical averages

They are visible evidence of global warming, also they provide many resources to earth(Water currents and temperature) and us (fresh water).
Layers of compacted ice hold mini air bubbles from long ago that were trapped in the ice when you extract the ice core you can get air that you can study to see what was in the air of the past, also rocks may hold some information.
It holds the truth, but also holds unreliable information and call relay a snowball effect of information making things look untrue or have facts which is shapes the opinion of the general public’s opinion on climate change.
Yes, my opinion on climate change has been reinforced due to seeing the changes on what’s happening to the glaciers at an alarming rate and its snowballing effect.
I think it would be good if famous people addressed this issue also the big country’s such as USA would impact the planets other country’s look on climate change and what we should do about it.
If we can shrink our carbon footprint worldwide that would slow climate change overall.
I believe it is too late to stop due to the snowballing effect it is outputting, but I believe we can drastically slow the process.
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