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Earthquakes can turn water into gold

shansi China suffered the most deadliest earthquake witch accured onjanuary 23 1556 witch killed 830,000 people

The 2011 earthquake near japan increased earths rotation speed . Witch shortend the day by 1.8 microseconds

Japan suffers 1.500 earthquakes every year.

mount Everest shrank one inch (2.5 cm) because of the 2015 earthquake in Nepal

there are several million earthquakes each year but there are only 500,000 detectable earthquakes every year but dont worry only 100,000 of those can be felt and only 100 of them cause damadge

the Indian Ocean earthquake in 2004 generated enough energy to power all the homes and businesses in the United States for three days.

there are also earthquakes on the moon called moonquakes

rats and toads can sense earthquakes and can quickly flee before the earthquake happens

The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake lasted nearly 10 minutes and a normal earthquake will only last 1 minute max

bonus fact : An earthquake can release hundred times more energy than the nuclear bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima in 1945

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