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Critical Thinking - Systematically evaluating info to reach reasonable conclusions best supported by evidence

Freud - Psychoanalytic theory (Understand how unconscious thoughts cause psychological disorders)
Darwin - Functionalism (Describe how the conscious mind aids adaptation to an enviornment
Watson - Behaviorism (Describe behavior in response to enviornmental stimuli)
Skinner - Behaviorism (Describe behavior in response to enviornmental stimuli)

Know the schools of thought pg 12
Structuralism - Basic parts or structures of the conscious mind
Functionalism- Describe how the conscious mind aids adaptation to an enviornment
Psychoanalytic - Understand how unconscious thoughts cause psychological disorders
Gestalt - Study subjective perceptions as a unified whole
Behaviorism - Describe behavior in response to enviornmental stimuli
Cognitive - Explore internal mental processes that influence behavior
Social - Investigate how the presence of others affects people's thoughts and actions

**Psych Analysis pg 19

Psych subfields pg 22
Biological psych
Cognitive psych/Neuroscience
Developmental psych
Personality psych
Social psych
Cultural psych
Clinical psych
Industrial/organizational psych

Ethics pg23
Governed by Institutional review boards (IRBs)
1. Privacy
2. Confidentiality
3. Informed Consent
4. Deception
5. Risks

Descriptive vs corellationional vs Scientific etc pg 24ff
Descriptive - A research method that provides a systematic and objective description of what is occuring
Corellational - A research method that examines how variables are naturally related in the real world. The researcher makes no attempt to alter the variables or assign causation between them
***Observational/Self-Reports/Case Studies
Experimental methods - A research method that tests causal hypotheses by manipulating independent variables and measuring the effects on dependent variables.

pg42 & 43
Neurons - Basic units of the nervous system; Cells recieve, integrate, and transmit information in the nervous system. Neurons operate through electrical impulses, communicate with other neruons through chemical signals, and form neural networks.
Dendrites - Branchlike extensions of the neuron with receotirs that detect info from other neurons
Cell body - Part of the neuron where info from thousands of other neurons is collected and integrated
Axon - A long, narrow outgrowth of a neuron that enables the neuron to transmit info to other neurons.
Synapse - The site where communication occurs between neurons through neurotransmitters
Action potential - The neural impulse that travels along the axon and then causes the release of neurotransmitters in the synapse.
Neuro transmitters - Chemical substances that carry signals from one neuron to another.
 synapses lock and key

**Table pg 46

Broca's area - Speech
fmri - measures changes in blood's oxygen levels
TMS - very fast magnetic field to disrupt activity in a specific brain region.

Table pg 52-61
-Brainstem - Breathing hr other survival mechanisms
-Cerebellum - motor learning coordination and balance
-Substantia Nigra - Initiation of voluntary motor activity
-Subcortiacal Structures
--Thalamus - Sensory
--Hypothalamus - Regulation of body functions motivation
--Hippocampus - New memories
--Amgydala - Emotions with experiences
--Basal Ganglia - Motor planning and movement, reward
-Cortical structures
--Occipital - vision
--Parietal - Touch, spatial info
--Temporal - Hearing, Memory
--Frontal - Planning, movement, complex thought

Genes - The units of heredity, wihch partially determine an organism's characteristics

Don't know: 62-67

Twins pg 68-69
-Monozygotic - Identical twins; these siblings result from one zygote splitting in two, so they share the same genes
-Dizygotic - Fraternal twins; these siblings result from two separately fertilized eggs, so they are no more similar genetically than non-twin siblings are.

Plasticity - A property of the brain that causes it to change through experience, drugs, or injury.

Not 71-73

Consciousness - The combination of a person's subjective experience of the external world and the person's mental activity; this combination results from brain activity

Subliminal perception - The processing of information by sensory systems without a person's conscious awareness.

Global workspace model - Consciousness is a product of activity in specific brain regions

**Split brain also the interpreter experiment

Circadian Rhythms - The regulation of biological cycles into regular, daily patterns

Melatonin - A hormone released in the brain that aids regulation of circadian rhythms because bright light reduces production and darkness increases production

Stages, hypnic jerk pg 89
Alert - Beta, Before sleep - Alpha, Stage 1 - Theta, Stage 2 - K-Compelx, Slow-wave (Stage 3/4) - Delta waves, REM - Beta waves

REM sleep
Dream brain activity
What do dreams mean
94-95 important
REM behavior disorder
Somnambulism 98
Flow pg 102-103
pg 104ff

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