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Ecology: Sharks live in various different parts of the ocean. ← (More detail) (Ex: 70% of beaches are free of sharks.) They can live in fresh and saltwater. but they Sharks are usually based found in warm waters. There are many different species of sharks around the world. ← (Ex…?) Sharks have been around for more than 400 million years and they leave us with fear and fascination.2
Form: Sharks breathe through little slits in their body called gills. When they a shark loses teeth, *they keep on growing back.* ← (Check) Shark’s skin is made up of many scales that are like an outer skeleton which will protect them from boats, and rocks and any other animal that decides to attack it. The scales also make it easier for them to move in the water by letting the water slide over them easily. Most sharks have five to seven gills on their body. (Move this next to the part where it talks about sharks slits.) A shark's tail is an the most important part of the body. adaptation. It helps them swim very fast to catch prey. → They are also very agile swimmers. ← (Is this even necessary?)
Survival: Sharks are a crucial ecological importance in marine ecosystems because they are at the top of the ocean food chain. ← (Why is this? Explain!) Most sharks eat fish, crustaceans, molluscs and clams.1 Sharks highly depend on their senses to keep them alive. They can detect blood of any creature from many miles away. They can smell blood from of any creature It can detect blood from its nostrils under its snout. Most sharks mature after 6 years, and some 18 or more.
Shark Attacks: Sharks are highly active predators and tend to be stronger than any other animal or human in the ocean. Sharks don’t usually come near the shore of the beach because the water is too shallow for them to move around won't be able to move around and they only will attack humans during the morning and the evening. They won't attack during the day because it is too bright and the prey are more likely to see them will see them.
Shark attacks during the afternoon are very rare and don’t occur very much during this time.

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