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So we're supposed to elect you just because you're a woman
You're less likable than Cruz, and he looks like a melting snowman
Such excitement for indictment, this email thing's a bad omen
Getting cold, better run to Putin before you get Snowden

Don't be alarmed, it's just me, the real Donald Trump
I'm here to smear to give your ladies and your ratings a bump
You pumped? I'm the buyer's choice to make America great again
Mission's simple: give permission to let Americans hate again

Speaking of which, Obama's a Muslim, talk about foreign aid
Where was he born? Africa? I popped out in suede
And hey, when life gave me millions, I made billionaide
Best served on ice with a plate of Barack O'BBQ in the shade

Took my casino earnings, brought some cash to the party
Just spent a weekend at Bernie's, now we're crashing the parties
Poaching establishment voters on a Ferrari safari
Talkin a big game sipping on some fascist Bacardi

Jk, I don't drink, I have self control
Unless you're not-white, Rosie O'Donnel, or an internet troll

Blew up Republican politics like the law was Sharia
Made Chris Christie my bitchie
Turned Carson into Madea
Ted held hands with Fiorina while my fans filled arenas
Poor bruised abused Cruz, I stole his role in God's Not Dead 3-uh

Bernie, baby, take notes from a true inside outsider
You're a dumbfounded dumb founder of a movement that floundered
Your camp can riot at my rallies but don't show up to fight
Things get messy when teens start exercising their rights
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