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hello my name is jessica and i have a crush on two people but i have a boyfriend is that bad ohwell but there nams of my crushs and aaron and mikel and my boyfriend is chidrea i feel so bad but i have loved aaron for about 3 years now and mikel for 1 year and chidrea for about 5 months but aaron is my reall crush and i dont care what anyone says he is my love or dream boy an chidrea is y man my man not yours but this girl called chloe has had about 7 boyfriends this last 3 months i have had one and i am not a slag and i am beautful and i dont care what anyone else says because if u dont like me just walk on and if u do then we can talk but if u say anything about me i really dont car like the song sticks and stones may brck my bones but words will not hurt me i am not fat or ugly and i hate it when my betfriend nicole says she is ugly and fat i think she is beautful and just rigth and perfect for her self but thats not what she says and i hate the fact that she crys and says these things she is only 13 years of age she is still a baby she shouldnt be worrying about having a boy friend its stupid i have boyfriend but they are only like high school loe not real love like i havent had a real kiss before i mean in year 2 or 3 i use to play kiss chase but that is it i mean i am still a baby two do you know what i mean ?
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