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Explicit- conscious awareness of goal attainment & developing the relationship between the learner and task
Similar to declarative knowledge
Implicit- not consciuous, often deals with force production
Learning to cycle without being aware of how
Perceptual training- give the learner exposure to the environmental stimuli that will be experience in the task
temporal & spatial regularities
Attend & respond, not passive
Ex: watch the flight trajectory of a baseball
Good alternative to physical practice
Internal vs external
external- focus on some object in the environment or outcome of action
Internal- focus on how movement is being executed
Model-Observer Similarity- observers perform better when they view models who are perceived as similar

1. Why should you provide both ling and short term goals?
A= get learners involved in goal setting process, provide positive reinforcement, encouraged frequent evaluation of progress, etc.

2. What are outcome goals? performance goals? Process goals?
A= Outcome- goal is to win the NCAA basketball tournament
Performance- Goal is to increase batting average
Process- goal is to increase torso rotation during throw
the combination of the 3 will lead to superior performance.
3. What are the elements of well constructed goal?
A= SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely
7. what is model observer similarity?
A= observers perform better when they view models who are perceived as similar
8. what are the benefits of using a learning model over a expert model?
A= similar status to observer, learner's attention directed at both correct and incorrect aspects, encourages movement exploration, etc.

10. what are the 3 theories of observational learning? what is the main difference between them?
A= Social cognitive theory and Ecological perspectives;
SCT- learner processes information conveyed by a model
EP- Learner acquires the relative features of the movement pattern
11. What is the difference between implicit and explicit learning?
A= Explicit- conscious awareness of goal attainment & developing the relationship between the learner and task
Similar to declarative knowledge
Implicit- not consciuous, often deals with force production
Learning to cycle without being aware of how
12. when presenting new information to a learner, what may compete for the learner's attention? What are some things that the practitioner can do to minimize these distractions?

13. What are the two main roles of verbal information?
A= Introduce learners to new skill and develop learner's ability to perform skill under criterion conditions

14. Who is verbal instruction most effective for? adults or children? external or internal focus? Complex or simple task?
A= Adults, external, simple task

15. brief, concise phrases that direct attention to regulatory conditions, prompt key skill components, and initiate activity
short, only for the most critical elements, carefully timed, etc.



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Regards; Team

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