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be, i know that in 6 months time i have no problem committing to you. i was never the person that can love anyone that easily anyway. i was doubting myself yesterday but all these time i've never strayed dari kamu or my exes. i AM a commitment phobe by nature, until i find someone that makes me want to tie myself down.
i'm basing my decision more on your part. the things is you're doing fine, you're doing great actually without me. you can say that you bottle up your feelings but who does that in 2 days anyway? not even feeling the slightest bit of sadness? do i mean so little to you?
the fact of the matter is i need you, but you don't need me.
be in this relationship, it is me who depend on you. that is why when you leave, or kita apart aku yg suffer more.

i'm just like a supplement yg kamu take, if you get off me you'll be fine. i'm just an add on. right?

kalo aku end this kamu blg bakal sad. you're not. you're getting around with people like you used to, i was a hindrance and now i'm gone. please just admit you're ok. and put an end so i stop suffering. it is much better for me to hurt now than keep being sad over time. and go back to the way we were before we dated.

you throw around these things like kita cocok and you're comfortable, we both know that. and we both know for sure kalo ada replacement you wouldn't even remember my name. but that is not the case for me. you are my first real relationship. my life depended on you so much, and i have never wanted anything in life more badly than you. which is why when people ask me what you mean to me, i couldn't just blurt out things bcs i was in awe of how much i needed you.
as for you, maybe you simply want me in your life. but want is not need.
maybe i'm the young one which is why aku yg feel more in pain than you. and i've accepted that you could do much better.

i was the one who asked for all of you or nothing. yg constantly demanding for you to stay. kamu yg minta kurangin frequency ketemuan while aku yg ngambek minta mending putus.
just like our previous fights aku yg egois you said it yourself.
skrg aku ga bakal egois. so there you go tony ng, you're free to go now. go hang with whoever you want with no obligation to contact me or answer my calls. and find someone yg gak bakal ngajak berantem every week.
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