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Age 15
- Username Zore
- Past experience? (Server names and your position there) I've created galaxypenguin. I've been staff on as one of the owners, Cromo as a Admin, FameCPPS as a admin, Sky CPPS, as a moderator, Snow cone cpps, developer, Memecp, owner.

- Skype or Discord (or both) Gbfeed, Zore #5461

- Why you want to be a moderator? I would like to become a Moderator because I really think that I can make a huge difference in the community and it would give me a great experience as being a staff on a amazing server. I've been staff on many other cpps's but they were all moderator or higher. I think I would make a really good moderator because I contribute to the community and help others daily. I joined CP+ when it first opened, I am very dedicated to my jobs, I take full responsibility for any mistakes or problems I cause, But I will fix them immediately as a moderator I surely promise that it will not happen, But if it does I would know how to fix it. I'm kind and really nice, I love helping new penguins around the island. I am always active and have been in the community since 2011 and I've been a CPPS contributor since then. You will not regret making me moderator I have a lot of courage and will help in any way possible. I am as well very talented in coding and a bit of designing. I always help improve games in any way. I certainly will not get mad at a user if they start asking random questions that to not involve the game itself, Nor will I just leave without answering and asking the user if they need any help with anything else. I have full on respect for every user and staff member.
Thank you for giving me this opportunity to raise my experience as an moderator!

- What is a good system to follow when taking action against a user (e.g.: kick first, ban second)? I would first give them couple of warnings then I will kick depending what they did to affect, the server. If they tried exploiting the game or said ddosing threats automatic ban. If they were harassing users, then a kick with warnings.

- What makes you different to other people? I'm different from other people, because I will use my position correctly, and I would never abuse my powers. I would also be a really active user, and helpful.

- Why should we hire you? As I said before, I've been in the community since 2011 and been staff on many servers. I know every little problem according to server issues, users issues. I'm very helpful and experienced in every position.
- Any information about yourself (Hobbies, coding languages ect) I'm trying to learn perl, and php, and I love playing various of games.
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