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Visit the Fed's Summary of Commentary on Current Economic Conditions (Links to an external site.), also known as the Beige Book. Prepare a proposal recommending monetary policy actions designed to correct problems with spending, employment, and prices. Defend your choices.

The Fed can use three tools to achieve its monetary policy goals:
-The discount rate.
-Reserve requirements.
-Open market operations.

Spending, overall, looks positive. But the problems I've found were:
While retail sales were mixed, slightly higher, or unchanged in most districts, sales expanded on a moderate pace on balance in Boston, Minneapolis, and San Francisco. And weakening sales were seen in Cleveland and Dallas.

Apparel sales were doing well in some districts. But the unusual warm weather may have hurt the apparel sales in Cleveland and Dallas, according to contacts.

Cleveland and San Francisco noted declining sales at brick-and-mortar stores. A situation that was presumably caused by the shift towards online shopping.

Motor vehicle sales declined slightly with customers shifting towards purchasing used cars, according to most districts.

The strong dollar was cited as a headwind to more robust demand in a few districts.
The overall employment continued to expand through the period.

But manufacturing employment reports were mixed. With four Districts reporting flat or declining payrolls, and two Districts reporting increases in manufacturing employment.


Overall, there was slight price growth during the period. The Philadelphia, Chicago, St. Louis, and
Minneapolis Districts reported modest price increases, while most of the remaining districts reported
slight or limited price increases. The retail and services sectors reported slight to modest price increases. Contacts in certain districts reported increases in the cost of building materials.
Retailers continue to “have little control over product pricing,” according to contacts in Cleveland and Atlanta.
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