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2 love birds texting on the internet
Aydan : hey! i wish we could meet irl :((((
Sammy: same here :((((((
Sammy: wait ....... i have an idea :))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Aydan : what ?? :DDD
Sammy: i have my liscence and have the right to go anywhere i want...
Aydan: so?? :(
Sammy : so i can drive to your city and we can drive away from your house bc ur parents might find you sneaking out
Aydan :THATS AN AWESOME IDEA SAMMYYYY!!!! ur SO awesommeee :D
Sammy : haha thanks <3 <3
Aydan: <3 <3
Sammy: ill pick you up tomorrow at 10:30 pm
Aydan : good , my parents arent gunna be home bc theyre going on a date
Sammy: great :))
the next day , aydan was full of joy ,even in her worst favorite subject, chemestry. she met up with her friend at the end of school and aydan told her all about the date. her friend was super happy for her and said shed go to her house that night bc she lived right across the street and wanted to wish her luck. she thought her friend looked prettier than her but her sammy said aydan was way cuter .

that night, aydan was all ready and dressed in her cutest outfit possible. she waved her parents goodbye and made sure they left . sammy was behind the bushes bc he didnt want her parents seeing him and asking questions . theyre date was a huge success. they kissed . aydan got her first kiss from sammy .

an hour later, aydan was in her room. she was changing and then looked out the window to see if her parents were home . nope , but she did see something that made her mad AND sad. sammy was kissing her bestie . sammy was smiling , but he didnt smile when aydan kissed him. sammy was saying something, but aydan didnt hear . so she opened her window. sammy said "I love you so much ally, i just set aydan up. i dont love her one bit" ally was her besties name fyi ally said " ily too sammy. aydan wasnt ever my bestie ."

aydan had heard it all . she slammed the window shut . ahe texted sammy on kik and said she loved him to test if he checked his phone . no answer. she texted her bestie and there was no answer. she commit suicide a day later and haunted sammy and ally forever.

Story by angelina tran
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