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What would happen if TKP won the elections

Turkey actually had been acting as left winged based nation. If CHP and DSP would accepted the coalliton in the time, Turkey has not been suffer any economic, cultural or anti secular problem. Additionaly, Tkp is one of the left winged politic party. There is no change to win elections but if its happens Turkey starts to change in many aspects, economic, cultural and social. If TKP won the elections, Turkish society would started to being secular and religonal based problems such as corruption, pedophilia and etc would be over. On the other hand, when it comes to international relationships, Turkey would be closer to Russia rather than USA.

What would happen if HDP won the elections

Actually, HDP also won the elections and it results horrible for HDP. HDP had been sentenced as a terrorist by AKP government, on the other hand, it is obvious that AKP supported Ocalan in long term until got differ in profits. If HDP won the elections, Presidential system would not be accepted by MHP or etc. Moreover, If HDP won the elections, turkish government would be more democratic in terms of multi-societies. Moreover, Turkey would not any suffer PKK problem more since if you do not give politic rights, they find rights via illegal ways. On the other hand, HDP had a change when they supported AKP in Gezi.

What would happen in presidential system in Turkey
Turkey is undeveloped country and it is clear that presidential system may be easily abused in undeveloped countries because of unsufficient democratic consequences. If Turkey ruled by presidential system, it would affects individuals and cause social unseccurity since legislator would not be criticized by any one. Nowadays, human rights have already in danger in Turkey but thanks to presidential system it would demoralized citizens. Moreover, if presidential system became, it would be abused and turned dictatorship.

What makes a great university?
Great universities such as the Ivy league group have always been desirable to governments and individuals due to opportunity. Nowadays, scholars be at one that, great universities have 3 major qualifications such as international reputation, adequate funding and autonomy.

The prestigious school has a great reputation in business and international area. Thus, it has links to companies, which creates opportunities for both the companies and the university. For example, companies pay universities for research and innovation, which creates career development opportunities for academic staff and students.A great university can be seen as a great brand or label. It is obvious that most employers give priority to graduates of such universities in job interviews. To illustrate, METU has technology Kent in order to corporate with students and companies.

Another factor is economical resources such as funds, endowments and research fees from firms. Great universities do not suffer budget problems. Successful professors can be attracted to the university and good facilities can be provided by universities with the help of money. To illustrate, leading companies such as SpaceX, Samsung and Microsoft pay Ivy League universities to benefit from their counselling services. Additionally, a good university attracts research funds for conducting research in science, education and innovation, the results of which enhance the university’s reputation. Moreover, for instance, Boğaziçi University has decent fund resources (thanks to reputation) and it gives significant opportunities to students, nevertheless, it is still a state University.

Finally, the university's good name depends to a great extent on the quality of its students. This means that candidates who are going to make the best contribution to the community should not only be chosen according to a score in an exam, as in Turkey. They should be invited to the department they want to study in and given an interview to assess their social skills, critical thinking and respect for human rights as well as their motivation to study..

Moreover, great university has to autonomy, freethinking and secularity. Ivy league universities thrive in an environment that encourage competitiveness, independent scientific inquiry. For instance, İstanbul University was a good University (unfortunately, it was not good as Ivy league group by the way) nonetheless, politic crises, intolerantness Inhibit the academic atmosphere and frustrate scholars. On the other hand, Boğaziçi which has highest ranked Turkish University always be a model in terms of autonomy and free-thinking. BU always tolerant to diversities.

To sum up, a good university is distinguished by its academic reputation, which attracts adequate funding for expert academic personnel and facilities and the best students. A great university has to serve possibilities and meet the needs to participants such as social, economic and individual in order to achieve scientific success. Humankind is owed to scientific research. Great universities are the homeland of advancement and science also there is a positive correlation with great universities and high welfare.Collectively and endeavoured syntheses of economic opportunity, social and individual labor makes a great university.

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