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what human quality do we need more of
I believe that, the quality of being happy must be taught to people. Happinnes. It is so basic. After being happy, other good qualities will come automatically. All the people around the world want to be happy everytime. But very few of them can achieve this. Why, why all the time being happy is so hard?
I have a opinion and I will explain that problem with 2 reason.
First, briefly, the past. Our thoughts about past. Think you did a bad thing in the past, wrong choice for example I mean choiceing a pharmacy departmant. You are regretful because of this. It’OK. It is very normally until now. But. If you are living regretfully, you are wrong. Certainly wrong. Take a lesson from that. And either change your departmant or love your departmant. Both of them are possible. Significant point is, don’t live regretfully.
OK. That was the first one. The past can bother you. Don’t allow.
Let’s take the second one. The second reason of can’t being happy.
You will not suprize when you hear. The opposite of past. Future.
Future can bother you too. How ? For example. Especially pupils are very familiar, the exam adventure. We have a exam, quiz etc. İn the future for example mid-term. If, you are always complaining about this,
What I will gonna do, where did that come from, what the hell is this now ? It will gonna hard. Bla bla etc.
Thinking like that is not benefit for you. it is harmful. It grieves you. You cannot be happy.
So, what to do? Just study as much as you can instead of complaining.. Do the best of your ability.

To sum up.
If you are sad, you are living in the past.
If you are anxious, you are living in the future.
But if you are happy, you are living in the moment.
Be in the moment. If you improve what do you do now. The next one will be good as well. And when the next one come, the past which you improved at that time, will be OK too.
Summary,we need more happiness for humanity. The quality of being happy must be taught to people with learning living the moment.

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