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Mr. Howard was substituting and we started talking after class ended, and I didn't feel like going to lunch anyways with no money, so I just stayed. People are ugly, the world can be ugly in some places, society and media are especially ugly, and even we ourselves can be just as ugly too, whether to ourselves or to others. If you're unprepared to face people that might make you feel things that you weren't obligated to feel, then you shouldn't have to go against those people yet. I have something else to say about the liking others and stuff, but I'll leave that off for now. People will call you many things when your back is turned. Most of the time, people will have the ability to say things behind your back because they aren't as bold enough to say it in front of you, they're dumb to say it in your face, but they're even dumber to say it behind your back. Most of the time, people will have the ability to say things behind your back, because they aren't as bold enough to say it in front of you. Jon isn't able to understand many things, and we can't understand everything either. I guess you can either laugh at his oblivion or try to help him understand because understanding something while you go at it, rather than moving blindly can be much better. Don't believe all the words they say. When I met Jon, I don't like gossiping or talking behind backs but I think you want opinions, to me, he seemed like an f-boy. I don't know how he feels about me or his first impression of me. He can be pretty cool somethings, anyone can be cool for a time. Anybody can be so much, anything. There could be any reasons why Jon did/does what he did/does. Whether his intentions were bad from the beginning, do you think things now have changed and he has found a new perspective? If yes, then you don't have to fully put him up to his beginnings. If not... then you have choices. You always do.
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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