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my name is mia. i am in the 7th grade. my mom had twins,which is my siblings. madison and mason. my bff name is emily it is werid because her mom had twins to. emma and ethan. emily and i go to meadowview middle school. madison,mason,emma,and ethan go to hut valley elementary crush name is ryan. emily crush name is micah(his is also ryan's best friend).my mom and dad is always out of town thats why we have marie (our baby sitter). my grandma and grandad is so cool you will learn more in the story. ashley and sara is the mean girls.ryan,micah,ashley, and sara goes to meadowview to).they try to still ryan and micah from us. you will also learn more about that in the story. mrs.bowell is our principal. arthur is my dog. he is a super hero too.p.s if you found this please return or else.chapter 1, my school. monday, november 2nd.wake up sleepy head marie said as she stopped the alarm. when i woke up and when i was getting ready i noticed that my phone was missing. as i stompped down stairs i yelled where is my phone . i first, asked marie when she was cooking breakfast.(i hate her cooking!)where is my phone or i will call my mom and dad on the house phone too fire you. i do not your phone mia. oh i am so so soooooo sorry. its ok . emma and ethan where are you we are not in the living room. shhh ethan emma said queit. when i walked in the living room i seen them on my phone. cought you guys. when i snatched my phone. they ran into their rooms. when i looked on my phone they were on waffle house app.something is fishy whats going on . nothing and you know your only sister will never lie to you. ethan i said in a mom voice. we sneeked your phone early in the morning to order waffle house because we hate marie cooking.(i guess their in the team then).emma stompped into her room . i should go cheer her up .yeah like thats going to work i said as i laughted and skipped off. 30 more minutes kids. omg i dont even have on my clothes or i dont even have my hair done. i ran as fast as i could.i didnt cheak my phone or anything. i went to the bathroom and only to the bath. i had to put my hair in a messy bun. i put on a pink cat sweater and some black tights and my all black jordans.
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