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The Legend of Kumar
In 1983, Maui, Hawaii, there was a guy named Kumar Levayal. Kumar was a tiny 16 year old. He was raised by a single mom and no siblings. His dad died from a sickness when Kumar was 4 years old. He got bullied at school by Ted and Marcus. Kumar didnt live a perfect life, but he was very happy with his best friend, his mom. Life was the same for Kumar everyday until one day..
Kumar went to Orchard Tuna High School. Mr. Baksher told the class, "Guys, we have a test on Gods and Goddesses next week". The class groaned except for Kumar. He knew he would ace the test. He loved this subject and knew everything about it. The bell rang and as usual, Kumar met up with his only friend, Samuel.
"Did you hear about Phears?", asked Samuel.
"Phears? The evil god that causes sickness and disease?", asked Kumar. Samuel nodded. Kumar asked,
"What about him?"
"He's in Maui"
"What?! That's impossible! Zeus defeated him and kept him locked up!"
"He escaped and he's causing sickness all over our city and when his workers come the week after next week, he's going to destroy this earth. He also locked all the gods and goddesses up so they can't save us." Samuel continued, " But his powers aren't working fully right now, so it is only affecting women. My mom is very sick right now too." Kumar immediately thought of his mom so he thanked Samuel and sprinted home. As expected, Kumar's mom was in bed sick and his uncle was with her too.
"Your mom has a few weeks left in this earth", blubbered Uncle Steve.
The next morning, Kumar and Samuel met up. It was no ordinary day. Even the sky was dark and gloomy. For the first time in forever, Kumar and Samuel had not talked on the way to school. Time in school went by like a snail running a marathon. When the last bell rand, Kumar dashed out of his class. He had to see his mom. He ran until he saw Ted and Marcus stare right at him.
"Please bully me next time. I have to go", pleaded Kumar. The bullies thought it was more amusing so they beat him up even harder. They picked him up, but dropped him when they heard a strong voice roar,
"Leave him alone." Ted and Marcus turned around and saw that there was no one. So they turned back to Kumar. As Marcus took one step toward him, he tripped. Ted yelled,
"What did you even trip ov-" then he did four flips in the air and fell on a fire hydrant. As Marcus gets up, he gets punched in the face and he falls on Ted. They got up and ran away. Kumar stared in awe. What just happened? Was the air fighting the bullies? How did he do those flips? Kumar had millions of thoughts and questions in his head when out of no where, a giant, brawny man pops up in front of him.
His name was John Burlow. A demigod that escaped Phears. The gods sent him to tell him that he was the chosen one to save the world from Phears. Kumar has heard many stories of the hero, John Burlow.
"But why me? I'm a helpless little guy", Kumar told John.
"Don't say that my fellow dude! You're special. Zeus doesn't just choose a random person to save the world", declared John with a loud, strong voice. Kumar thought and finally agreed to help when he thought of his mom.
"Great! Training starts tomorrow!", yelled John. Then he disappeared into thin air.
The next day which was a Saturday, Kumar was sound asleep until John came in shouting,
"Wake up soldier! It's your first day of training!" Kumar was forced out of bed and he went outside to his backyard and saw John.
"What is your problem? Why so early?", Kumar complained.
"Everyday from now, wake up at 4:00. On days you go to school, we train the whole day, everyday for 2 weeks. Then, you meet Phears.", explained John. Kumar had so many questions but got interrupted by John.
"Now we shall begin!", exclaimed John.
Days past by and Kumar began to get bigger and stronger. After a full week, he became a total different person. Samuel. his teachers, his classmates, and even his mom couldn't recognize him. Also, he was bigger than Ted and Marcus combined, so they no longer bullied him. The following week, he trained harder than ever. Two days before the big day, John gave him a magical hammer.
"The gods told me to give this to you. When you're fighting Phears, use this to protect yourself from his powers. Don't aim your hammer toward him when he has his powerball.", explained John. "If you do, then you will die." Kumar nodded and thanked John.
On Saturday, the day of the fight, Kumar's mom began to cough out blood. She was very close to dying now, but Kumar tried to hold back his tears and told his mom,
"I'll be back soon. You'll get better mom." Then he hugged her goodbye. Him and John went to the school yard and saw Phears with his machines. They hid behind a bush near Phears.
"This is it. Good luck and stay safe.", John told Kumar.
"You too. Thanks for everything.", replied Kumar. John nodded and they walked to Phears bravely.
"So, who do we have here? John Burlow. Escaped demigod. Kumar Levayal. Chosen one from the gods.", chuckled Phears. "You guys are too late. I already have Maui in control and I can kill everyone in this world just by pulling down this lever." Kumar and John were about to attack when 20 ninjas come out of the machine. They fought the ferocious ninjas and it was going good until one of the ninjas released power and struck John's leg. Kumar furiously killed the remaining ninjas and ran over to John.
"I-I can't move!" yelped John. Phears laughed, "The power I created is unstoppable. It can kill everyone even the gods." As Phears realized that all his ninjas were killed, he was about to pull the lever, when Kumar hit Phears' arm with his hammer. Phears yowled and became very angry. Phears struck his power to Kumar, but he dodged and struck Phears' legs. Phears got weakened, but he was very furious, so he struck all the power he had at Kumar. Kumar tried dodging it, but it struck his feet. As Kumar fell to the ground, Phears walked over to him. At that moment, Kumar thought of his poor mom and he knew that if he didn't kill Phears, she will die. He also remembered that Phears' power can kill himself too. So with his remaining strength, he held out his hammer. Kumar knew he would die, but he couldn't let the whole world die. As Phears released his power, Kumar held his hammer out. There was a loud, screeching noise and there was an explosion when the two powers collided. John saw all this and limped to Kumar. He saw that Phears' body became to ashes. He turned to Kumar and he weakley breathed,
"Destroy the machine." Then, he passed. John destroyed the machine with his powers and pressed the button that released the gods.
Back at home, Kumar's mom, Samuel's mom, and all the people were back to normal. John told Kumar's mom and his uncle the heroic actions of Kumar. After his funeral, John went back to his home.
Kumar sacrificed his precious life to save his mom and the world. He might have died, but he left this world as a legend.
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