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1. Beguile- influence by slyness
2. Ascetic- someone who practices self denial as a spiritual discipline
3. Assiduous- marked by care and persistent effort
4. Emulate- strive to equal or match, especially by imitating
5. Intimation- a slight suggestion or vague understanding
6. Sanguine- confidently optimistic and cheerful
7. Calumny- a false accusation of an offense
8. Abject- of the most contemptible kind
9. Discomfit- cause to lose one’s composure
10. Instigate- provoke or stir up
11. Inexorable- not to be placated or appraiser to moved by entreaty
12. Debauch- a wild gathering involving excessive drinking
13. Construe- make sense of; assign a meaning to
14. Complement- something added to embellish or make perfect
15. Stolid- having or reveling little emotion or sensibility
16.Portent- a sign of something about to happen
17. Ostensible- appearing as such but not necessarily so
18. Vestige- an indication that something has been present
19. Pernicious- exceedingly harmful
20. Espouse- choose and follow
21. Extant- still in existence; not extinct or destroyed or lost
22. Elicit- call forth, as an emotion, feeling, or response
23. Accost- speak to someone
24. Derivative- a compound obtained from another compound
25. Equivocal- open to two or more interpretations
26. Alacrity- liveliness and eagerness
27. Conflagration- a very intense and uncontrolled fire
28. Hapless- deserving or inciting pity
29. Profligate- unrestrained by convention or morality
30. Bashful- self-consciously timid
31. Engender- call forth
32. Expiate- make amends for
33. Forbearance- good natured tolerance of delat or incompetence
34. Exigent- demanding immediate attention
35. Promulgate- state or announce
36. Subjugate- make subservient; force to submit or subdue
37. Extol- praise, glorify, or honor
38. Licentious- lacking moral discipline
39. Willy- marked by skill in deception
40. Vicissitude- a variation in circumstance or fortune
41. Requisition- an authoritative request or demand
42. Callous- emotionally harden
43. Preclude- make impossible, especially beforehand
44. Bane- something causing misery or death
45. Reprobate- a person without moral scruples
46. Tome- a large and scholarly book
47. Insidious- working or aspersing in a hidden and usually injurious way
48. Veracity- unwillingness to tell lies
59. Gratuitous- unnecessary and unwarranted
60. Swarthy- naturally having skin of a dark color.
61. Strain- characterized by dignity and propriety
62. Archly- cleverly; mischievously
63. Handy- clever in using hands
64. Mules- shoes or slippers without heel straps
65. Graybacks- lice
66. Tart- an escort
67. Kewpie- a small chubby doll with a topknot of hair.
68. Fawning- humble; spiritless
69. Floozy- a woman of loose morals
70. Brutally- harshly; unfeelingly
71. Aloof-reserved; emotionally detached
72. Contemptuously- despisingly; disrespectfully
73. Sulkily- moodily; sullenly
74. Scudded- moved swiftly as if driven forward
75. Dutifully- with a sense of duty, oblication, or respect
76. Contorted- twisted onto a strange shape or expression
77. Derogatory- expressive of a low opinion; degrading; disrespectful
78. Liniment- a liquid or semi-liquid preparation applied to the skin as a pain reliever
79. Skinner- a driver of draft animals
80. Scourges- cause of widespread or great sickness
81. Jack- Money
82. Morosely- sullen and gloomy; brooding; sad
83. Juncture- a point of union; intersection; or connection
84. Recumbent- leaning; resting
85. Barley- a cereal grass used in malt beverages
86. Yammered- to whine or complained
87. Apprehensive- anxious;nervous;fearful
88. Briddles- Sharp; Tense; lacking warmth
89. Bucker- those who move or load heavy objects
80.Cultivator- a machine used to loosen the soil while crops are growning
91. Yoke- join with stable gear, as two draft animals
92. Impetuous- characterized by undue haste and lack of thought
93. Admonish- scold or reprimand; take to task
94. Wanton- lewd or lascivious women
95. Fetter- a shackle for the ankles or feet
96. Approbation- official approval
97. Clamor- utter or proclaim insistently and noisily
98. Impute- attribute or credit to
99. Negligent- characterized by undue lack of attention or concern
100. Injunction- a judicial remdy to prohibit a party from doing something
41. Covet- wish,long, or crave for
42. Evince- give expression
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