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----------------------------------------------------------DO NOW----------------------------------------------------------
1.) More Production
2.) Higher wages

1.) Pollution
2.) Unsafe machinery, Injuries
--------------------------------------------------The New Industrial City-------------------------------------------------
-Urbanization, or the movement of people to cities, came about rapidly, and largely without planning. The abundance of food and labor requirements bring people to cities.
-Manchester England grew from 17,000 in 1750 to 70,000 in 1801.
-Early industrial cities had some major problems.
- Air pollution from burning coal stenches from personal and industrial waste.
- Noise pollution from machines in the manufacturing areas.
- Division between poor and well of. The poor workers lived in tenements, multistory buildings divided into crowded apartments, without running water or proper sanitation. This allows the disease to spread rather easily.
----------------------------------------------------The Factory System---------------------------------------------------- Rigid Discipline: Workers had to comply with a strict work schedule. Hard work stretched from whistle to whistle. Work days could be as long as 16 Hours. Workers faced harm from exhaustion and machines and working environment. Workers often lost limbs to machines and inhaled coal dust.

-Women Workers: We're favored by many industrialists to be hired as workers. They were believed to be easier to handle and could be paid less than a man for the same job. After working long hours, they had to return to their homes and still continue their traditional role of "mothers" and "wives".

- Child Labor: Children were accepted into the workplace for a variety of reasons. They were traditional workers on farms, and their size allowed them to perform tasks no suited for large humans. They were paid less than adults and were often subject to beating for lack of performance. Education was rare.

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