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1) Academics
- Honors English 9 = A
- English 10 = A
- Algebra 1 = A
- Honors Geometry = A
- Honors Algebra II = A
- (Piedmont Virginia Community College) College Pre-calculus = A
- (Piedmont Virginia Community College) College Trigonometry = A
- Honors Chemistry = A

2) Athletic Achievements
- Varsity Wrestling
- Varsity Indoor and Outdoor Track and Field
- Club Orienteering
- Junior Varsity Soccer

3) Civic Involvements
- My freshmen year I was certified as a life guard under the red cross, and shortly after I got my advanced scuba diving license.
- Currently serving as an international mentor to international students who live in the barracks. Mentors help international cadets adjust to not only cadet life, but also life in America. I have mentored Chinese, Korean, and Mexican cadets. I have been mentoring for two years.
- Global Citizens Club - I served in the Global Citizens Club alongside international cadets, while going on community service trips with them.
- Interact (Rotary International) I have served as the Events Coordinator for the interact club at Fork Union Military Academy. In the club we go on community service trips weekly, I have been a part of the club for over 3 years. I was recently elected president and will serve the remainder of this year as well as the beginning of next year as president of the interact club.
- I was awarded the Dolson Citizenship Award at my school for having the highest GPA, lowest demerits, and the most community service hours.

4) Work/Job Experience
- Mandarin Fusion Steakhouse in Monsey, NY. I worked as a busser in the summer. I was in charge of a team of 4 bussers. Often times the restaurant was very busy and therefore put a lot of pressure on our team. I worked an average of 36 hours per week.

5) Leadership Positions
- Squad leader at Fork Union Military Academy (FUMA), my freshman year at FUMA I was in charge of a squad of 12 other freshmen. I was in charge of their daily routine, their behavior, the cleanliness of their room, as well as their personal appearance. My squad won the best squad award at the end of the year for their outstanding performance.
- Platoon leader at FUMA, my sophomore year I lead a platoon of around 40+ cadets, in charge of a chain of command of a platoon sergeant and three squad leaders. This position was responsible for the same things as the squad leader. It is necessary to provide a near flawless example for the squad leaders and the platoon members. It was at this point I realized that it was important to be the first one awake and the last one to sleep. Leaders need to make the sacrifices.
- I currently serve as the Company Commander of Charlie Company, in charge of a highly effective chain of command. The company commander runs the officers as well as NCOs of the company. I am in charge of the day to day of 80+ cadets. Thus far this year has been very rewarding in that the skills that I learned last year as a platoon leader I can teach my platoon leaders to be highly effective. I take notes when something works and when it does not, I make sure to tell my platoon leaders what works and what to avoid so that they don't have to make the same mistakes I had made. The leaders in Charlie are stress on productivity, in that you should always be doing something productive.
- As a sophomore I knew that a man was nothing without their honor. I wanted to represent the core values of FUMA (Respect, Integrity, Faith, Character, and Discipline). I became a member of the honor council, and now serve as the Sergeant of Arms and am in charge of attendance of the members at each council as well as make certain the meeting is run smoothly. Almost every Friday I stand before the Corps of Cadets and make a speech pertaining to the Honor code and the Honor violations we receive.
- Over the summer (10th grade to 11th grade) I participated in the Congress of Future Scientists and Technologists. I had the pleasure of meeting some of the most brilliant minds at the forefront of modern technology. There was also a chance to meet other delegates and form bonds that will last a long time.
- Last year (10th grade) I was awarded 7th place in the Virginia NCFL State competition for Student Congress Debate, this year as I improve greatly I also take time to help the new members of Debate in learning how to improve their public speaking skills, as well as how to win in debate.

6) Family Education
- No, my father graduated with a Bachelors degree.

7) Service Academy Attendance
- No, I have not had a family member that attended a Service Academy.

8) Family Income/Location
- $160,000/Two parent home/5 dependents/Suburban Community

9) Previous USAFA-sponsored programs attended (if none, so state)
- Yes, USAFA Summer Sports Camp rising sophomore year (2015).
- My parents represented me at the Honorable Nita Lowey's Service Academy Night in September of 2016. I was unable to attend because of commitments at Fork Union Military Academy. I was given information from 2d Lt Bryan Park of the USAFA.

10) Character (3000 characters max)


11) Summer Seminar Experience (1500 characters max)

From my research I have found that Summer Seminar at the US Air Academy is a monumental experience. Alumni of the Academy have told me that the difference between service academies was the summer seminar experience they had.
If I am given the opportunity to attend Summer Seminar I hope to meet and understand the cadets. I yearn to learn more about the campus and the surrounding area. I believe spending a week at the US Air Academy would be rewarding in that it will help me in my decision of choosing the path of my colleges, and possibly which branch of service I end up joining. During summer seminar it would be an amazing experience if I could meet some of the faculty and staff who would help me through not only my college career but also my transition from civilian to officer in the Air Force.
Previous graduates have explained to me how similar summer seminar is to actual academy life. I sincerely hope that from being in Summer Seminar I am better prepared for cadet life, and therefore be more prepared for a life in service to the United States in the Air Force.
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