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Hi my name is Akhter,Moniba from class 835. As a class we all worked on our lab #2 called Shake Shake Shake. Energy is the ability to do work. Energy is a property of objects which can be transferred to other objects or converted into different forms1. How does increasing the time we shake a container of water affect the temperature of the water inside? The independent of this experiment is the amount of time we are shaking the water and the dependent variable is the temperature. The control in this experiment is the room temperature, water before shaking. The constant in this experiment is amount of water inside the container, same sized bottle, room temperature, same shaking strategy like the thermometer. We are doing the lab in order to understand that Energy cannot be created or destroyed.

Hypothesis :
If i shake the water, shake shake and shake, the water temperature will change because energy cannot be created or destroyed but it can transfer from one form of energy to another so after shaking the temperature will change to the form of energy called heat. When i shake the water the water gets warm and if i shake harder and harder the temperature gets even more warmer and warmer.

Materials :
Small container
Water at room temperature
Thermometer (Celsius)
Graduated cylinder (1 cc = 1 gram)
Data Table

Procedure :
I all of the instructions first
then I gathered the materials needed
I measured the water temperature
I used the timer for timing
I recorded the data
I repeated steps three to five times
I analyzed my data
I graphed my data

Shake Shake Shake
One Minute each trial
Temperature of Water (0C)
75 mL

Conclusion :
Overall, increasing the time that we shake a container of water does affect the temperature of water inside. My hypothesis was that if i shake the water the temperature will change because the more you shake the more warmer it gets and forms an energy called heat. My hypothesis was supported by my data. My water room temperature was 19 degrees celsius. First trial the temperature changed by 20 degree celsius. Second trial as 21 degree celsius. Which equals to an average of 21.0 degree celsius. The water temperature really changed as i shaked it more harder at each trial.
Sources of Error :
One source of error that i had no control over i this experiment is the shaking because our job was to shake as hard as we can until one minute and shaking the water bottle that hard hurted my hand which could have affected my data because when my hAND started hurting , i started to shake the water slowly and due to that we might have got the wrong amount of degrees in celsius

Follow up Question :
Initial water temperature: 19 degree celsius
B ) Volume of water: 75 cc's.
C) Mass of water: 75 grams
This change occurred or did not occur because : yes changes did occur because the energy changed to another form of energy called heat. As i shaked the water, the water got warmer and warmer. It changed to 19 degree celsius ( which is the room temperature) to 22 degree celsius and the average was 21.0 degree celsius.
How many calories were transferred directly into the water? 150 calories
What other changes did you noticed as a result of shaking the water, such as change in body temperature or perspiration ? Other changes that I noticed as a result of shaking the water was that my hand was hurting a lot and I was sweating which is my perspiration and I felt low and weak as for body temperature .
How can you explain these other changes ? we have to shake as hard as we can to see the change in temperature so i shaked the bottle as hard as i could which ended up in perspiration and pain on my hand. I was sweating from inside and the pain on my hand was so serious that i couldn't write properly.

Citation :
Kittel, Charles; Kroemer, Herbert (1980-01-15). Thermal Physics. Macmillan. ISBN 9780716710882.

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