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"There is no flaw in the plan", he reassured himself. Hiding in his room, Johnny was waiting for the dark to come down on the face of the earth. "All that is evil is somehow connected to the darkness, since the dawn of the time", his thoughts felt a little too philosophical even to himself. It is the final hand of the play that he has planned for the last few months.

About three months ago, he couldn't but eavesdrop to his uncles sitting with his lawyer. His Uncle, who never had a child, took Johnny as their foster child. Johnny was raised by his foster parents. He called them uncle and aunt. He never saw his actual parents. Maybe he never felt the urge to make someone his father figure. His uncle was always like a distant person to him. Not that it was for any lack of good will or try of his uncle. He loved Johnny with all his heart. Despite that, he always noticed that his nephew was not like the other kids. "He is just a bit introvert; side effect of not having a proper family", he thought to himself. "Maybe he will become more like a normal person when he grows up." But Johnny did not. So the distance increased as he grew up. But his uncle never thought of him anything less than a son. A couple of years ago, He lost his wife to road accident.
"I want to make a will, dear friend"; Johnny heard his uncle talking to his lawyer. "Time doesn't stop for anyone, and I want to wrap everything up before I go." His lawyer asked, "As true as that is, what do you have in mind?". Uncle replied, "I want all of my belonging to be left for my nephew" . "You know, your brothers and other relatives are not gonna be happy with your decision", his lawyer spoke with a bit of disappointment in his voice. "You can never make everyone happy in this world". His uncle replied. " Okay, the paperwork will take sometime. I will make everything ready and talk to you soon", the lawyer said. Then they continued their conversation about some technical details. Johhny could not think straight. His heart was pounding like he just finished a sprint. From the whole conversation, the only idea he grabbed was him getting all the property of his foster dad, who was a successful entrepreneur and who made a fortune from his business.

The dream of having such a big property made him think, how it could be done sooner.
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