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what was the message that Nixon was giving to the U.S. public?

To create a new prosperity without war.
To create more and better jobs
Stop the rise of cost of living
Bring veterans back to work
Improvement of the job development @ 1971
Tax reduction on cars
People being able to afford cars, new job opportunities in automobile production industry
Wants to bring the economy back to 1956 when America was very prosperous
20 million new jobs promised
Restrained tax cuts
Tax cuts that stimulate employment must be matched by inflation
5% cut in government personel, 10% cut in economy
Decrease the prices of luxuries and necessities, decrease the cost of living to adapt to high unemployment
Introduce a fixed price for everything, so price elasticity is forbidden, price bureaucracy
Protect and maintain the position of American dollar
Protect the American's currency and economy which is 'the strongest in the world'
Suspend the convertibility of gold
Americans should focus and redirect their spending on internal products and services.
Cooperation with international monetary fund
Implemented tariffs where external goods are of more cost than internal ones
Major nations to campaign as equals.
U.S. will focus on improving it's economy, except doing it like so far ' with one hand tied behind its back'
Achieve the highest standard of living in the world
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