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for a long time i was a pretty unpopular kid, come to think of it i still am pretty unpopular, but that doesnt stop me from changing myself, heya im tom i have been at this school for about 3 years now, i know that doesnt sound like a lot but it has been for me. making new friends, having conversations, having arguments even, but hey everyone does once in there life, BUT what i didnt have was confidence, for about a year. but when i got into grade 5 i was greeted by so many smiley people, (youl see them when they show up here where im standing right now) hell even the teachers were happy... kinda, anyway what i do want to say is to every grade 5 now grade 6 is thank you, as well as teachers, ok thats out of the way now funny... *breathe* and embarrasing moments of my life. i had sooooo many but i dont want this speech being to long and celia yelling at me, she always does that, ok. one of them is just when harper was being just random he just bursted out "i thought coco balls were sorrounded by parmesan" and that was pretty, well... weird, an embarrasing one is when i would cry so much, my friends probably know that as well as all of the teachers, classmates and other people. ALSO is one me and my friend sasha still do, and that is to annoy the hell out of my other friend rain with puns, and now we blewwit, no this speech isnt just going to be puns. im sorry. anyway camp in year 4 was amazing, tottaly random but amazing, like the cabins the activities just Nice. I am EXTREMELY sad to leave this school even though iv only been here for a few years, it has laid a very awesome scar on my life, and i will miss it, although i am meeting my brother at high school at PHSC so i will be kinda happy, look hes a brother you know how those are, anyway good night.
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