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Genre : Fiction
Title : Brian's Winter
Author : Gary Paulsen
Publisher : Delacorte Press
Year Published : 1996
MLA report : Paulsen Gary, Brian's Winter, Delacorte Press, January 3rd,1996
Summary : Brian's Winter is about a thirteen year old boy named Brian Robeson who is desperately trying to survive. Winter is around the corner and Brian isn't prepared at all. He must learn to adapt and learn in order to survive the deadly winter.During his journey to survive the winter, he learns new things like making leather clothing, learns about science when he found mice cities under the snow and makes animal friends like Betty the skunk, wolves. In this book he makes clothes out of rabbit skin and moccasins out of deer hide. Then one night he had heard a gunshot in the forest but it was so late at night he had ignored it. In the morning he heard the same gunshot again. So he grabbed his bow, arrows, and hatchet to be prepared to kill anyone. Then he finds it is a stranger who is just trying to survive the winter like him. The strangers name was David Smallhorn. Together they.....
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