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// This is language file for BitExchanger v2.0
// Author: me4onkof
// Website:
// Email: [email protected]

$lang = array();

// Type of language: rtl - right to left, ltr = left to right
// Default is ltr
// For Arabic and similar use rtl
$lang['lang_type'] = 'ltr';

// Main
$lang['my_exchanges'] = 'My Exchanges';
$lang['my_testimonials'] = 'My Testimonials';
$lang['referrals'] = 'Referrals';
$lang['wallet'] = 'Wallet';
$lang['withdrawals'] = 'Withdrawals';
$lang['settings'] = 'Settings';
$lang['account_verification'] = 'Account verification';
$lang['affiliate_program'] = 'Affiliate Program';
$lang['any_registered_user'] = 'Any registered user of';
$lang['can_use_affiliate_program'] = 'can use our Affiliate Program.';
$lang['you_can_earn'] = 'Through you can earn up to';
$lang['of_all_exchanges'] = 'of all exchanges made through your link. All your winnings can be withdrawal at any time you wish. Term of payment of profits from 1 to 5 working days.';
$lang['how_it_works'] = 'How it works?';
$lang['how_it_works_text_1'] = 'When a user enters through your link we automatically remember your id number in our system. If the user has requested to exchange pay its part and we successfully complete the exchange you get your profit by';
$lang['how_it_works_text_2'] = 'of the difference between the two amounts. Example: If the user decides to exchange 100 dollars and our exchange rate is 1 = 0.95, users receive 95 dollars and you take';
$lang['of'] = 'of';
$lang['how_to_use'] = 'How to use Affiliate Program:';
$lang['how_to_use_text_1'] = 'Login with your account';
$lang['how_to_use_text_2'] = 'Go to tab "Referrals"';
$lang['how_to_use_text_3'] = 'Copy link and share it to your friends, social network or other place and wait to get your profits';
$lang['contact'] = 'Contact';
$lang['skype'] = 'Skype';
$lang['whatsapp'] = 'Whatsapp';
$lang['support_email'] = 'Support email';
$lang['your_name'] = 'Your name';
$lang['your_email'] = 'Your email address';
$lang['subject'] = 'Subject';
$lang['message'] = 'Message';
$lang['email_verification'] = 'Email verification';
$lang['your_name'] = 'Your name';
$lang['your_location'] = 'Your location';
$lang['your_bank_name'] = 'Your bank name';
$lang['your_bank_account'] = 'Your bank account number/iban';
$lang['your_bank_swift'] = 'Your bank swift code';
$lang['your'] = 'Your';
$lang['address'] = 'address';
$lang['account'] = 'account';
$lang['exchange_was_manually'] = 'This exchange is done manually by an operator. Work time:';
$lang['exchange_id'] = 'Exchange ID';
$lang['amount_send'] = 'Amount send';
$lang['amount_receive'] = 'Amount receive';
$lang['fee'] = 'fee';
$lang['total_for_payment'] = 'Total for payment';
$lang['send'] = 'Send';
$lang['receive'] = 'Receive';
$lang['exchange_rate'] = 'Exchange rate';
$lang['transaction_id'] = 'Transaction ID';
$lang['process_type'] = 'Process type';
$lang['process_type_automatically'] = 'Automatically';
$lang['process_type_semi_automatic'] = 'Semi-automatic';
$lang['process_type_manually'] = 'Manually';
$lang['status'] = 'Status';
$lang['status_1'] = 'Awaiting Confirmation';
$lang['status_2'] = 'Awaiting Payment';
$lang['status_3'] = 'Processing';
$lang['status_4'] = 'Processed';
$lang['status_5'] = 'Timeout';
$lang['status_6'] = 'Denied';
$lang['status_7'] = 'Canceled';
$lang['status_unknown'] = 'Unknown';
$lang['created_on'] = 'Created on';
$lang['expired_on'] = 'Expired on';
$lang['processed_on'] = 'Processed on';
$lang['data_about_transfer'] = 'Data about transfer';
$lang['faq'] = 'Frequently asked questions';
$lang['pages'] = 'Pages';
$lang['terms_of_services'] = 'Terms of services';
$lang['privacy_policy'] = 'Privacy Policy';
$lang['login_with_your_account'] = 'Login with your account';
$lang['email_address'] = 'Email address';
$lang['password'] = 'Password';
$lang['forgot_password'] = 'Forgot password?';
$lang['remember_me'] = 'Remember me';
$lang['with_entry'] = 'With entry in you agree to our';
$lang['and'] = 'and';
$lang['create_account_free'] = 'Create account free';
$lang['username'] = 'Username';
$lang['repassword'] = 'Re-type Password';
$lang['with_registering'] = 'With registering in you agree to our';
$lang['login'] = 'Login';
$lang['create_account'] = 'Create account';
$lang['exchange'] = 'Exchange';
$lang['testimonials'] = 'Testimonials';
$lang['affiliate'] = 'Affiliate';
$lang['about'] = 'About';
$lang['work_time'] = 'Work time';
$lang['operator'] = 'Operator';
$lang['operator_online'] = 'Online';
$lang['operator_offline'] = 'Offline';
$lang['no_have_gateways'] = 'Still no have gateways';
$lang['reserve'] = 'Reserve';
$lang['exchange_from'] = 'exchange from';
$lang['exchange_to'] = 'to';
$lang['no_have_testimonials'] = 'Still no have testimonials.';
$lang['our_reserve'] = 'OUR RESERVE';
$lang['delete_testimonial'] = 'Delete testimonial';
$lang['c_from'] = 'from';
$lang['c_to'] = 'to';
$lang['to_take_action'] = 'to take action';
$lang['no_have_exchanges'] = 'Still no have exchanges.';
$lang['to_make_first_exchange'] = 'to make your first exchange';
$lang['client_exchange'] = 'Client exchange';
$lang['your_profit'] = 'Your profit';
$lang['profit_not_calculated'] = 'Your profit still not calculated. Please contact with administrator.';
$lang['your_referral_link'] = 'Your referral link';
$lang['currenct_password'] = 'Currenct password';
$lang['new_password'] = 'New password';
$lang['renew_password'] = 'Re-type new password';
$lang['submit_testimonial'] = 'Submit testimonial';
$lang['amount'] = 'Amount';
$lang['feedback'] = 'Feedback';
$lang['new'] = 'New';
$lang['action'] = 'Action';
$lang['edit'] = 'Edit';
$lang['delete'] = 'Delete';
$lang['to_submit_testimonial'] = 'to submit testimonial';
$lang['your_email_was_verified'] = 'Your email address was verified!';
$lang['email_not_verified'] = 'Your email address still not verified. Please use button to send verification email to process account activation.';
$lang['we_send_code'] = 'We sent code to';
$lang['please_enter_code'] = 'Please enter code in form below.';
$lang['document_verification'] = 'Document verification';
$lang['documents_accepted'] = 'Your documents are accepted!';
$lang['documents_awaiting_review'] = 'Your documents are awaiting for review.';
$lang['scanned_passpord'] = 'Scanned copy or photo of your ID card or passport (Accept: JPG,JPEG,PNG or PDF)';
$lang['scanned_invoice'] = 'A scanned copy of an invoice to confirm your address (Accept: JPG,JPEG,PNG or PDF)';
$lang['mobile_verification'] = 'Mobile verification';
$lang['mobile_verified'] = 'Your mobile number was verified!';
$lang['click_sms_send'] = 'Click on button "Send SMS Code" to send verification code to your number';
$lang['enter_sms_code'] = 'Enter SMS code';
$lang['your_mobile_number'] = 'Your mobile number (Example: 359889123456, Include country code + mobile number)';
$lang['withdrawal'] = 'Withdrawal';
$lang['w_to'] = 'To';
$lang['requested_on'] = 'Requested on';
$lang['no_withdrawals'] = 'Still no have withdrawals.';
$lang['w_status_1'] = 'Awaiting';
$lang['w_status_2'] = 'Processed';
$lang['w_status_3'] = 'Cancaled';
$lang['deposit'] = 'Deposit';
$lang['deposit_text_1'] = 'Due to security measures must be manually deposit to protect maximum your data.';
$lang['deposit_text_2'] = 'Send';
$lang['deposit_text_3'] = 'to following details:';
$lang['enter_payment_description'] = 'Enter payment description';
$lang['enter_payment_amount'] = 'Enter payment amount';
$lang['bank_holder_name'] = 'Bank Account Holder Name';
$lang['bank_account_number'] = 'Bank Account Number/IBAN';
$lang['swift_code'] = 'SWIFT Code';
$lang['bank_full_name'] = 'Bank Name in Full';
$lang['bank_country'] = 'Bank Branch Country, City, Address';
$lang['pin'] = 'PIN';
$lang['transaction_id_batch'] = 'Transaction ID/Batch';
$lang['deposit_text_4'] = 'If you made payment please enter transaction id/batch/pin to form and confirm payment, if not cancel deposit or will be automatically canceled after 24 hours.';
$lang['deposit_via'] = 'Deposit via';
$lang['exchange_text_1'] = 'With this function you can exchange money from your wallet to our gateways.';
$lang['exchange_text_2'] = 'Exchange rate is: Your amount - ';
$lang['from_wallet'] = 'From Wallet';
$lang['to_gateway'] = 'To Gateway';
$lang['will_receive'] = 'Will receive';
$lang['your_password'] = 'Your password';
$lang['send_money'] = 'Send money';
$lang['send_money_text'] = 'With this function you can easy transfer money from your wallet to some user from our website.';
$lang['recipient_email'] = 'Recipient username or email address';
$lang['payment_description'] = 'Payment description';
$lang['transactions'] = 'Transactions';
$lang['sender'] = 'Sender';
$lang['recipient'] = 'Recipient';
$lang['date'] = 'Date';
$lang['first_profit_on'] = 'First profit on';
$lang['last_profit_on'] = 'Last profit on';
$lang['your_data_to_receive'] = 'Your data to receive';
$lang['our'] = 'Our';
$lang['details'] = 'details';
$lang['enter_transaction_number'] = 'Enter transaction number/batch';
$lang['enter'] = 'Enter';
$lang['pin_code'] = 'PIN code';
$lang['redirecting_to_secure'] = 'Redirecting to Secure Payment...';
$lang['language'] = 'Language';
$lang['firstname'] = 'First name';
$lang['lastname'] = 'Last name';
$lang['passportid'] = 'Passport ID';
$lang['phone'] = 'Phone';
$lang['email'] = 'Email';
// Buttons
$lang['button_1'] = 'Click here';
$lang['btn_send_message'] = 'Send message';
$lang['btn_confirm_order'] = 'Confirm order';
$lang['btn_cancel_order'] = 'Cancel order';
$lang['btn_login'] = 'Login';
$lang['btn_register'] = 'Register';
$lang['btn_exchange'] = 'Exchange';
$lang['btn_save_changes'] = 'Save Changes';
$lang['btn_submit'] = 'Submit';
$lang['btn_send_verification_email'] = 'Send verification email';
$lang['btn_upload_files'] = 'Upload files';
$lang['btn_send_sms_code'] = 'Send SMS Code';
$lang['btn_verify_sms_code'] = 'Verify SMS Code';
$lang['btn_add_number'] = 'Add number';
$lang['btn_new_request'] = 'New request';
$lang['btn_confirm_payment'] = 'Confirm payment';
$lang['btn_cancel_deposit'] = 'Cancel deposit';
$lang['btn_process_deposit'] = 'Process deposit';
$lang['btn_send'] = 'Send';
$lang['btn_process_exchange'] = 'Process exchange';
$lang['btn_confirm_transaction'] = 'Confirm transaction';

// Info messages
$lang['info_1'] = 'Your account is not yet activated.';
$lang['info_2'] = 'to activate it.';
$lang['info_3'] = 'You must login to your account to continue exchange.';
$lang['info_4'] = 'We are still waiting for confirmation of your exchange.';
$lang['info_5'] = 'We still expect a your payment.';
$lang['info_6'] = 'Still no have exchanges from your referral link.';
$lang['info_7'] = 'Still no have transactions yet.';
$lang['info_8'] = 'Still no money in your wallet.';
$lang['info_9'] = 'Your order was cancaled. Redirecting...';
$lang['info_10'] = 'You can track your exchange at this link';
$lang['info_11'] = 'You need to make payment manually, use the data below and enter the pin code of the transaction in the form below.';

// Success messages
$lang['success_1'] = 'Your message was sent. We will try as soon as possible to get an answer.';
$lang['success_2'] = 'Your email was verified successfully. You can login and continue exchange.';
$lang['success_3'] = 'Your feedback was deleted.';
$lang['success_4'] = 'Your password was changed successfully.';
$lang['success_5'] = 'Thanks for your feedback. It will be reviewed as soon as possible.';
$lang['success_6'] = 'We sent you verification email. Check your inbox or spam folder.';
$lang['success_7'] = 'Your files was uploaded! Will be reviewd soon as possible.';
$lang['success_8'] = 'Your mobile number was verified!';
$lang['success_9'] = 'Your mobile number was added. Now you can verify it via form below.';
$lang['success_10'] = 'Your request for withdrawal was sent. Will be processed soon as possible.';
$lang['success_11'] = 'Your deposit was confirmed by your side, now we will review it and approve.';
$lang['success_12'] = 'Your deposit was canceled.';
$lang['success_13'] = 'Your request for exchange was made. Operator will process it soon as possible.';
$lang['success_14_1'] = 'You sent';
$lang['success_14_2'] = 'to user';
$lang['success_15'] = 'Thank you! After manually confirm your transaction will make the exchange.';
$lang['success_16'] = 'Your account was created. Redirecting...';

// Error messages
$lang['error_1'] = 'All fields are required.';
$lang['error_2'] = 'Please enter valid email address.';
$lang['error_3'] = 'Error with email sent. Please try again.';
$lang['error_4'] = 'Still no have data for display.';
$lang['error_5'] = 'Current password does not match.';
$lang['error_6'] = 'New password does not match with password for confirmation.';
$lang['error_7'] = 'Please select exchange id.';
$lang['error_8'] = 'Please write your feedback.';
$lang['error_9'] = 'Error with sending email. Please try again later.';
$lang['error_10'] = 'Please select files.';
$lang['error_11'] = 'Allowed files for upload is JPG,JPEG,PNG and PDF.';
$lang['error_12'] = 'Please enter SMS code.';
$lang['error_13'] = 'Wrong SMS code. Please resend new.';
$lang['error_14'] = 'Please enter your mobile number.';
$lang['error_15'] = 'Please enter valid mobile number.';
$lang['error_16'] = 'Please enter amount with numbers.';
$lang['error_17'] = 'You cant withdrawal more than';
$lang['error_18'] = 'Please select gateway.';
$lang['error_19'] = 'Please enter amount.';
$lang['error_20'] = 'Please enter valid amount.';
$lang['error_21'] = 'Please enter transaction id/batch/pin.';
$lang['error_22'] = 'The amount exceeds your availability. You can send up to';
$lang['error_23'] = 'We do not have user with username or email address like';
$lang['error_24'] = 'Password does not match.';
$lang['error_25'] = 'Something was wrong.. Please refresh page.';
$lang['error_26'] = 'Please enter $name PIN code from transaction.';
$lang['error_27'] = 'Please enter transaction number/batch.';
$lang['error_28'] = 'The selected direction does not exist.';
$lang['error_29'] = 'Your account must be verified before exchange.';
$lang['error_30'] = 'Please select gateway from wich you want to exchange.';
$lang['error_31'] = 'Please select gateway to wich you want to exchange.';
$lang['error_32'] = 'We are not ready to receive money in';
$lang['error_33'] = 'Please enter amount for exchange';
$lang['error_34'] = 'Please enter amount with numbers.';
$lang['error_35'] = 'The amount of exchange exceed our reserve. Please contact the administrator.';
$lang['error_36'] = 'The minimum amount for exchange is';
$lang['error_37'] = 'The maximum amount for exchange is';
$lang['error_38'] = 'Please enter valid email address.';
$lang['error_39'] = 'Please enter your name.';
$lang['error_40'] = 'Please enter your location.';
$lang['error_41'] = 'Please enter your bank name.';
$lang['error_42'] = 'Please enter your bank account number/iban.';
$lang['error_43'] = 'Please enter your bank swift code.';
$lang['error_44'] = 'Please enter your';
$lang['error_45'] = 'Please enter your email address and password.';
$lang['error_46'] = 'Wrong email address or password.';
$lang['error_47'] = 'Your account is blocked.';
$lang['error_48'] = 'Please enter valid username.';
$lang['error_49'] = 'This username is already used. Please choose another.';
$lang['error_50'] = 'Please enter valid email address.';
$lang['error_51'] = 'This email address is already used. Please choose another.';
$lang['error_52'] = 'Passwords does not match.';
what is

Notes is a web-based application for online taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000+ notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 14 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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