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One sided love
One day there was girl name Aaliyah who was going to college she got a task to do after completing the task she went in her new classroom she sat alone doing her work. Three boys came up to her there names were Tyler,Sam and Cameron. Aaliyah got scared of them cause of past event Cameron flirted with Aaliyah he said 'Hey' she said 'Hey' back. He asked which one of them is good looking she give compliment to Tyler and Sam but not to Cameron. Cameron felt bad few days passed by and Tyler passed away Cameron was broken and hurt cause Cameron was Tyler best friend. Aaliyah went to Tyler's funeral trying to stay strong suddenly Cameron breakdown. Aaliyah consoles Cameron calming him after two days Aaliyah kept on checking on Cameron in college but he was laughing and was smiling Aaliyah got confused. That how is Cameron happy later check the class was going to together and he just sat alone. Aaliyah felt bad the class had to go to trip Aaliyah sat in bus and saw all seats were taken. There was one more empty seat so she sat down suddenly Cameron enters the bus she looks at him and smiles and he smiles back and he sits next to her. Then they start talking ' Hey' Cameron says she say 'Hey '. 'What sup' he says she reply's nothing after that Aaliyah take her phone out and checks her snap chat. Cameron says ' Hey you have snap chat ' she says ' yeah' he tell's her to add him and then the reach in museum. Aaliyah starts doing her work Cameron purposely bumped into her and flirts later they class go in room where there are computers. He starts making her laugh by messing with computer then the go to back to bus and everyone goes to their home's. Aaliyah keeping thinking about Cameron she kept smiling and giggling by remembering his words she was falling for him. College was about to end and everyone went to Award Ceremony. Cameron see's Aaliyah and sits with her,He start making her laugh with his humor
Aaliyah messages Cameron saying bye but he says college has not ended she says ' Can spend time with you please' He says ' sure '. Next morning Aaliyah goes to college to meet Cameron they whole college is empty and Aaliyah and Cameron hangout Cameron takes Aaliyah outside her class room and they chit chat and have laughs.Cameron ask Aaliyah where she lives she say 'Lakey lane he says 'Cool you're close to my house come visit some time' she say 'OK'. Next it was last day of college and Aaliyah goes to Cameron classroom but he was not there. She get upset later she messages him saying where are you. He said ' I'm home ' She says ' I didn't say bye ' He says Its OK you live close bye me anyway you can visit ' She say ' OK ' . College ends and Aaliyah texts Cameron saying she misses him. He invites her to his house they meet in roundabout and Aaliyah is very happy seeing him. They reach to his house and watch movie together Aaliyah keeps distance from Cameron so that they don't get intimate. They keep talking of movie Cameron feels sleepy also Aaliyah sleeps against fall and Cameron pulls her towards him so that her back doesn't acne. They cuddle and fall asleep later Aaliyah alarm rings so Cameron drops her home. Few days later Cameron and Aaliyah have argument stop talking next College starts and Aaliyah sees Cameron and cry's cause she misses him and still loves him. Cameron apply for army and Aaliyah becomes weak and starts talking to him again. Aaliyah ask Cameron if she could see him before he leaves. He says ' sure ' Cameron call Aaliyah to his house again Aaliyah waits for him on his door step when Cameron open the door. Aaliyah screams with joy and hugs him later they go to his room and watch a movie Aaliyah is cold so Cameron sits next to her to make her warm. Then he cuddle with her and then he holds her hand Aaliyah feels nervous. Aaliyah looks at Cameron and he kiss her on cheek she feels bit weird and anxious that something will happen. Cameron touches Aaliyah's face and kiss her on lips Aaliyah says ' That it bit weird' He says ' Lets do it again ' He kiss her again and again but then she says no and laughs. He says ' Please' She says 'I don't know how to do it ' He says ' I'll teach you ' He lays her in bed and the kiss and he kiss her neck. Aaliyah feel nervous and cry's inside her heart cause she knows she will lose him again and. He is to close to her. Cameron keep on kissing Aaliyah phones rings and she has argument with her dad and starts crying.Cameron consoles her and hug her and then she goes home few days later Cameron post on snap chat three day for army. Aaliyah gets scare and tell her about her engagement and says I'm sorry but cant let you go. He says 'its ok ' She wishes him good luck for army. He says thanks and says ' I hope you do fine ' She says ' 'same '. Then closes her phone and says in her heart I'm sorry Cameron but I cant let you go because i love you alot always will always have no matter what and that how strong one sided love was.... THE END :(
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