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The Fat Attack/Cellulite
To reduce fat you need to exercise and take in less food. There is no wonder drug or plant substance that can help you to eat less,so it's really down to self-control. But eating sensibly is important so that the body doesn't draw on muscle as fuel instead of the fat. If you do not diet correctly your scales may show a reduction of weight but it will be valuable muscle tissue that has gone and you'll be left with all the fat and cellulite. Think of a piece of meat and mentally cut and separate the lean meat from the fat and put them on either side of the chopping board. If you eat fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, and meat, your tissue will look like the lean meat, and if you eat cakes sweets, and potatoes steeped in butter, your tissue will look like the fat.

As well as diet and exercise, good massage and using essential oils will ensure that you are not left with flabby skin and stretch marks, and that you have a good shape. Use the essential oils in the bath and -dare I say it-even if you don't diet, you'll see a vast improvement in body tissue tone.

Here are the essential oils to use. Many of the oils on the general list also have a diuretic effect.

General fat attack essential oils

Diuretic fat attack essential oils

These are two synergistic blends that you can use while you are on a diet. They are designed for use in baths---the oils work by osmosis. Prepare your bottle of essential oils in these proportions and use 6 drop in each bath:

Lymphatic drainage helps both general weight loss and cellulite dispersal but it is not easy to do without the help of a therapist. However, a mild form of this can be done at home if you have a detachable showerhead. With the shower fully turned on cold (the cold contracts the blood vassels and lymph) use the impact of the water on your skin to massage up the inside of the leg, especially the thighs to the groin. Then move the water around your abdomen in circular movements , then up the inner arms to the armpit. Do this as ofter as you can.

Cellulite has a variety of causes, from poor circulation and a lack of oxygen to water retention or hormonal changes. It may be related to the menstrual cycle in some women or to poor lymph drainage in both men and women. An unbalanced endocrine system has also been identified as a possible cause of some people's cellulite problem while others can blame their allergy--to wheat and milk products particularly. Toxicity is a major cause and this could be environmental and beyond our control, or dietary and within it; The first thing to do is cut out tea coffee, and alcohol.
Treatment to eliminate these unsightly fat deposits is not easy and cellulite can always return if you have a predisposition to it. The fight against cellulite can become a lifelong battle which is made infinitely worse by the fact that our whole environment is saturated with toxins. Not only is air we breathe and the water we drink polluted, but vegetables now contain residues of the pesticides, herbicides,and fungicides used in modern farming methods; meat contains residues of the steroids, hormones, and antibiotics that are routinely fed to the animals; and the fish we eat swim and breed in seas awash with unnatural and dangerous contaminants. In view of all this it is hardly surprising that so many people's body tissue gets clogged up with the toxins that cause cellulite.

The first front of attack is diet. Many severe cases of cellulite can be reversed with no more than a change of diet and an increased intake of vitamins and minerals. Ideally, eat only raw vegetables including bean sprouts--all soaked and scrubbed whenever possible. Buy free-range chickens, turkeys, and eggs, organically grown wholemeal bread, pulses, and rice. Drink only spring water and fruit juices or herb teas such as rosemary to which you can add 1 drop of lemon essential oil or 1 drop each of rosemary and lemon essential oils. Most important of all, eat no daily products from cows. Cut out any fermented foods. Eating raw cabbage is one of the best dietary steps you can take to eliminate toxic debris. Increase your vitamin C supplement to 1000mg per day until the cellulite has gone and step up your zinc and vitamin B vitamins are important here, but check supplements to make sure they are not derived from yeast.

Here is a six-point plan of action against
1) Increase blood circulation by skin brushing. Using a brush of real bristles, brush in upward movements all over the body, as in the shower lymph drainage method.
2) Do exercises that work specifically on the cellulite areas, as these are often the places that get no exercise and hence gather toxic waste like stagnant water.
3) Massage every day-not only the cellulite areas but the whole body. Cellulite may show only in certain areas but essentially it's a whole-body problem.
4) Essential oils in the bath penetrate the skin by osmosis, and while you are bathing pinch and pummel cellulite areas to help break down the fatty deposits.
5) Oxygen is vital for a healthy body so breathing deeply is important. Breathing exercises actually help to shift cellulite and their results can be very impressive.
6) Relaxation s needed to allow the body to shift the waste and fat deposits. Stress, on the other hand, can cause cellulite to stick.

The full anti-cellulite program is as follows. Before bathing brush the skin as described in point one of the anti-cellulite program. Baths should be taken once a day using one of the formulas in warm to hot water. Afterwards use the cold shower drainage system as described on page 147. Then massage over the entire body with one of the massage formulas. In addition, massage the body once again each day--preferably use the massage oil twice, in the morning and at nigh. Twice a week take a toxin eliminator baht, having the water as hot as you can comfortably lie in. You will sweat , so shower or sponge yourself down afterwards.

Seaweed and cabbage are both excellent in the treatment of cellulite. Poultices can be made of chopped up seaweed or cabbage placed between two pleces of fine material such as gauze or muslin and ironed (yes,ironed). Wrap this all around the area and leave for fifteen minutes. This is very beneficial if done after the eliminator bath and before using the massage oil.

Ref********Worwood, V. A. (2012). The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy: Over 600 Natural, Non-Toxic and Fragrant Recipes to Create Health Beauty a Safe Home Environment. New world library.
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