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The Twelve Levels of Hercules

By: Nina Barry, Alex Freedman, Olivia Helguero, Yau Hong Chau, Evan Mince

Hercules out of game (Hercules 1): Yau
Hercules in the game (Hercules 2): Alex
Eurystheus: Evan
Female characters: Nina and Olivia (Mom: Nina; Hera: Nina; Athena: jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjOlivia; Artemis: Olivia)
jMonsters: Olivia, Nina and Evan

(Hercules 1 and Mom enters the scene. Hercules 1 is playing video games in the basement passionately, Mom walks in)

MOM: Hercules! I thought I told you that you have to finish your homework before you can play any video games!

HERCULES 1: But mooooooooommmmm! I just want to finish this level of Mario Kart. I’m in second place just behind Wario!!! Come on just five more minutes pllleeeeeaaaaasssssseeeee?!?!

MOM: No. I’ve told you this many times before. Since you never listen, give me your nintendo. Now.

HERCULES 1: Moooooommmm noooo just five more minutes!!!

MOM: (sternly): Hercules. Give me your Nintendo NOW. Go to the kitchen to finish your homework!

HERCULES 1: Fine. (stomps out angrily)

(Hercules 1 gives Mom the nintendo. They both exit the scene. Hercules sits down and attempts to do homework.)

MOM: Hercules, Eurythseus, I’m going out to buy groceries. Hercules, I expect you to finish all your homework. You too Eurythseus.

(Mom exits the scene. Eurythseus enters the scene.

HERCULES 1: Ugh! What does this even mean?!

EURYSTHEUS: Yo Hercules! Dude, this game is impossible to beat!

HERCULES 1: Pfft! This game is easy dude! I beat mom can beat it, jeez are you that terrible at video games man?
EURYSTHEUS: You sure you wanna bet? Last time I checked you can’t even get into first place in mario kart, specifically playing with computer users, you shouldn’t even be talking, you’re trash at games dude.

HERCULES 1: Dude, that was called practicing man. Something you can’t do because Mom took your games away for a month. Where did you even find that game? I thought Mom hid all your games in her safe or something.

EURYSTHEUS: Dude, it is pretty obvious that I keep seeing Mom open her safe all the time. And for your information, I play my games when you guys are sleeping or when Mom is gone out meeting other people and gone to meetings or something. I play from midnight to 3AM every single day.

HERCULES 1: Whatever dude, do you want to bet on this or not?

EURYSTHEUS: Okay, if you finish the game, you get to be my servant for the whole month!

HERCULES 1: And if I win, you get to do my homework for the whole month! Deal?

EURYSTHEUS: Deal! And it starts now! You have (insert time) to finish the game!

HERCULES 1: Wait, what is the game even called?

EURYSTHEUS: The Twelve Levels of Hercules.


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