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Tom= He lives with his aunt is so lazy naughty disobedient and curious.
Huck= He lives in the same village with Tom. He is lazy too. In ther neighborhood, nobody likes him except Tom. Other childrens' moms say tell their kids that dont play with Huck.

I like the characters, but i worried about putting them in trouble a lot. Also i like friendship of two children who are crayz as a normal because of their ages. Being together for bad cases and fixing these problems together made their friendship strong than ever.

The story takes place in St. Petersburg that village of Mussouri. Neighborhood, school, cemetery, room and church are used as the place.

I think, the most important moment in this story is that when tom was going to the school, he had fight with Huck and after that case, they became friend. No matter how naughty Tom is, midnight is not a kid going to the graveyard or running away from school. Tom was encouraged after he met Huck, involved in events he had not been involved with before. At midnight, Tom went to the cemetery and he did witness the murdered, he escaped from his house and went to the island to camp and Tom's relatives thought that he is dead and they made a funeral for Tom. While they were waiting around the coffing, Tom came there. According to these, becoming friend with Huck, the most important part of this story.
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