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Sarah always hates London in winter. She cannot understand why is the weather so moody, then starts questioning whether if London is a teenage girl im disguise. She is currently on her way home from visiting Flourish and Blottsㅡher favorite bookstore in Diagon Alleyㅡwith her hand bringing one plastic bag full of books (as expected from a Ravenclaw) when a few seconds ago, the city decided to play trick on her by making the sky turned grey and all of a sudden it's raining everywhere. "...for Merlin's sake why are you deciding on- what- rain?"

The thing is that it is winter, she brings no umbrella, and she is walking. She loves walking and for the first time in her life, she hates the fact that she was walking that day. And now she has to wait in front of a basic, Muggle cafè, murmuring endless protests. It is almost half an hour when she spots him and the family's car, along with the panic expression shown perfectly on his face. "I told you not to walk, Ravenclaw."

"Well, if you use, even just a little bit of your brain to think properly, you will know exactly that by being a Ravenclaw doesn't mean I can predict the weather. Moreover, it is London! It can rain for a solid one hour and so bright the next second. You got it now, Blancbaston, Sir?"

She hates him. He hates her, too. Their feelings for each other are mutual, no worries. But frankly saying, deep down Sarah feels relieved to see her very brother has come to pick her up. If he doesn't come, she'll definitely be a dead meat. A geeky dead meat. "Merlin's sake. Do you even listen to what I am saying?"

"Uh... You said something? I guess no. Let's go home," she makes her way towards their father's car, leaving Alaric behind with his jaw drops due to her reaction.


Sarah shakes her head as a respond for Alaric's protest, clearly thinking that is so childish for him to yell so loud in a public place, but he's always kind of childish anyway. She's about to open the car's door and turns around to ask for the key when she finds him standing right in front of her, making her realize just how tall her brother is and how scary he looks now. "Um
.. The key?"

"Do you know how worried I was? No one knows where are you going since this freaking morning and you don't even bring your cellphone like, how the bloody hell can you live without your cellphone?! And no one actually cares because they know that you are smart and you can go home safely but I still think that you are the baby in the house so I just spent my holiday driving around London only to find you being sarcastic at me and? Really, Sarah Adrienne Blancbaston?"

That would be the longest sentence Alaric has ever said to her. Thus, it leaves Sarah astonished for several seconds before finally coming back to her senses and clears her throat, nodding. "Okay. I am sorry? I don't know that you were deadass worried and I forgot to bring my cellphone! That is completely normal, I am a human, Al? For Dumbledore's sake?"

It is raining harder. And she has never felt this kind of tense radiating from her brother who usually is goddamned self-centered (thanks to his Slytherin's trait) and she thinks she will need the whole day to proceed what's going on before the next sentence gets her heart skip its beat. "That nerdy Ravenclaw's Quidditch team's captain is chasing you, I can tell."


Alaric lets out a frustrated groan as he messes his hair, feeling so annoyed upon Sarah's answer. Thinking that this is going to be useless, he pushes his sister a little bit so that he can open the car's door, before placing his palm on top of her head. "This rain will not stop, get in."

Sarah is now so confused and burning with the curiosity of what's going on but she knows better. She throws her plastic bag to the passenger seat and gets in, placing her palm on top of his head in return as she does so. "You cannot be sick either."

And that is when he smells her perfume. Realizing that it's been the smell coming out from his Amortentia potion ever since he was still in his sixth year in Hogwarts. His head spins so fast due to the sudden realization and when she almost takes her seat in the car, he calls her name to get her attention.


He leans in and presses his lips on his sister's. Alaric can really picture Sarah's eyes widened in shock even though he's closing his eyes now, and how she presses back her lips on his make Alaric almost sings his favorite Quidditch team's anthem.

It has been him all along. Sarah has known it. She is a Ravenclaw anyway. She is not stupid. What makes her feel glad is the fact that this very person in front of her, who is claiming her first kiss, is the one who's been joking, protecting, loving, coping up with her for all these years.

Sarah suddenly doesn't mind being drenched in the rain; so does Alaric.

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